Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 1283

Chapter 1283

Chapter 1283

Henson jumped down the stairs excitedly. “Who dares to bully Ms. Macclain!”

1 can handle it myself” Estelle retorted instantly

listen to Jonathan!” Henson said defiantly, “Who dares to mess with you, thinking the Lamont family is a pushover?”

Estelle was at a loss for words

Seeing his excitement, he was clearly itching for a fight!

In the end, there were three people in the car that went to the Macclain family.

Estelle looked out of the car window and wondered how she was going to introduce these two “unexpected guests” when they arrived at the Macclain family home

“Don’t worry!” Jonathan held her hand tightly, sounding calm yet amused, “We won’t create any trouble for you. If you don’t want to talk, we’ll just sit quietly

Henson said excitedly. “Ms. Macclain, if there’s a chance, we won’t argue with them, I’ll cheer for you!”

Estelle glared at him, “You just love a good spectacle!”

Henson laughed, then suddenly asked, “By the way, what’s your relationship with Hans?”

“According to Macclain family rules, he’s my cousin.”

Henson suddenly understood, 1 see, why didn’t you tell me before?”

“I just wanted a teammate at that time.” Estelle said seriously. “Even though he’s my cousin, I didn’t favor him in the game.”

“What favor could you possibly do?” Henson mocked, “Let him die a few more times?”

Jonathan couldn’t help laughing.

Estelle felt awkward and didn’t want to talk.

Jonathan squeezed her hand reassuringly, “It’s alright, I’ll buy you lots of gear, you can play however you want.”

Estelle was speechless, Tm not that bad at gaming”

Jonathan had finally found Estelle’s real weak spot and felt quite happy.

When they arrived at the Macclain family, Estelle looked at them before getting out of the car, “Can you guys wait in the car?”

Jonathan looked at her deeply and chuckled, “What do you think?”

Without saying a word, Henson got out of the car.

Estelle took a deep breath and stepped out of the car.

With Estelle leading the way, Jonathan and Henson followed closely behind like her bodyguards.

For a moment, Estelle had the illusion that she was heading into a fight


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