Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 1285

Chapter 1285

Chapter 1285

Chapter 1285

Henson suddenly turned to Simone, “Why is Ms. Macclain so hard on Carmella?”

Simone glanced at Estelle. “Obviously, she’s jealous that Carmella became Yulia’s personal designer. That made her look bad, so she’s taking it out on Carmella” Henson then looked at Estelle, “Ms. Macclain, I trust you. Tell us the truth.”

Estelle calmly said, “Carmella is indeed Yulia’s personal designer But Carmella wasn’t satisfied with what Yulia was offering her and secretly reached out to Yvonne. She was reprimanded when Yulia found out. Of course, there’s another reason why she quit”


Carmella suddenly cut off Estelle, her eyes full of panic, and she said in a trembling voice, “It’s my fault I shouldn’t have accepted Yulia’s offer to be her personal designer Let’s just leave it at that, I don’t blame you!”

Leonie made a disgusted face, “How come you’re not blaming Estelle anymore as soon as she shows up? Before, you were acting like you’ve been wronged, blaming everything on Estelle. Now that Estelle is here, you can clear things up. Did you leave the crew because of Estelle?”

Estelle didn’t say a word, a cold smile hanging on her lips, she just looked at Carmella lightly.

Carmella was scared of the way Estelle was looking at her now, afraid she would bring up Victor, and quickly shook her head, “No, it’s not her fault. I was in the wrong”

Simone frowned at her, “Carmella, if something isn’t fair, just say so. Your dad and I will protect you. We’re not going to let anyone bully you, no matter what it takes”

Carmella looked resigned and didn’t want to say more, “Mom, it’s my fault for not being clear before, don’t blame her!”

Bennett asked in a serious tone, “What the hell happened?”

Henson said, “Can’t you guys see? Someone’s feeling guilty!”

Sallie chimed in, “Some people blame everything on Estelle when she’s not around and then admit their mistakes as soon as she shows up. It’s so shameless!” “Sallie” Simone said angrily, “You’re the younger one, I’ve let it slide many times. If you don’t respect your elders, don’t blame me for teaching you a lesson” Leonie snapped, “You go take care of your own daughter, we doesn’t need you!”

“Enough!” Terrence said seriously. “There are guests here, what a spectacle you’re making. Isn’t it embarrassing? Anyone who carries on like this, get out!” He finished, looking at Jonathan awkwardly, “I apologize for this mess, Mr. Lamont!”

Jonathan took a sip of water, smiled and said, “No worries, it’s been an eye-opener for me. A mother who’s full of malice towards her own daughter, who even gets mad when someone speaks up for her daughter, what kind of mother is that?”

He turned to look at Simone, his eyes chilly, “Is Estelle really your biological daughter? You carried her for ten months, raised her to adulthood, and you have no feelings for her?”

“Do you know that while you’re taking care of someone else’s daughter, your own daughter is being abused? She’s going hungry, being beaten, locked out by her foster parents to be bitten by dogs, do you know all this?”

“She’s been through so much hardship, and when she finally grows up, she is neglected by her own parents. Don’t you feel heartbroken? Don’t you feel pain?”

His tone was low, with a hint of coldness. The living room was very quiet for a moment, everyone’s eyes flickering, lost in thought.

Simone’s eyes trembled slightly as she looked at Estelle’s changing expression, her gaze unnaturally lowered.

Estelle suddenly lost interest and softly said, “Believe it or not, Carmella’s departure from the crew has nothing to do with me. If you want to get justice for Carmella, do whatever you want. I’ve said what I need to say, I’m leaving”

As soon as she finished speaking, her phone rang

Jonathan took a glance at the phone and didn’t even wait for Estelle to answer. He took the phone directly from her and turned on the speakerphone.

Sabina looked at their intimate action and her eyes narrowed slightly.

After the call was connected, Yulia’s excited voice came through, “Estelle, Mr. Tucker has given me half a day off, let’s go shopping, I’ll treat you to lunch, spend as you like!”


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