Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 1309

Chapter 1309

Chapter 1309

Emily immediately stopped her and said, “You don’t have to do this.”

“Ms. Sullivan, I really didn’t have any other choice, so I decided to come to you. Please for Martin’s sake, help us.”

Emily closed her eyes for a moment, then calmly said, “TII discuss this with Mr. James I hope you can keep your cool in the future. Even if Dr. Martin really has a girlfriend, you can’t harm her.”

“I know, I really know I was wrong” Sherry nodded repeatedly, full of regret “Martin’s dad has already scolded me these past few days. He wanted to apologize to you personally, but he was afraid to trouble you, so I came to apologize myself”

Til discuss it with Mr. James,” Emily said.

“Thank you, thank you so much” Sherry bowed to Emily

Emily stopped her and asked, “You can go now”

“You must take these things!” Sherry forcibly handed the gifts she brought to Emily

Emily firmly refused, saying, “If you don’t take them back, I might change my mind.”

Sherry looked troubled. Seeing that Emily really wouldn’t accept, she had to take them back and say, “I’m really sorry. You’re so forgiving. I don’t know what to say”

“Just go,” Emily said calmly.

“Okay, but you must talk to Mr. James!” Sherry reminded her a few more times, then left with an uneasy face.

Emily watched Sherry leave, she didn’t go upstairs but walked to the pavilion nearby to call Charlie.

When the call connected, Charlie’s voice came out, “Miss me?”

“No,” Emily answered.

Charlie joked, “So Kya misses me?”

Emily said senously. “Martin’s mom just came to see me.”

Charlie’s tone sank. “She’s causing trouble again? Are you okay?”

Tm fine.” Emily quickly answered, “She’s not here to cause trouble, she’s here to apologize and beg for mercy, hoping that I can help persuade you to let them go”

“Did you agree?” Charlie asked.

Emily bit her lip and whispered, “Yes.”

Charlie immediately got angry: “Emily Sullivan, do you know why people bully you? Because you’re too easy to talk to!”

Emily moved her phone away, waited for Charlie to vent, then said guiltily, “Anyway, I’m not busy, so let’s just let it go.”

“Not busy?” Charlie coldly retorted, “If I hadn’t shown up that day, do you think that woman would have let you go? Do you think you could have shrugged it off so easily? They know that offending someone like you will make them play the victim. If I didn’t step in, do you think they’d actually have the conscience to apologize on their own?”

Emily was left speechless by Charlie’s reprimand because she knew everything he said was true.

That night, Sherry came with people to find her, arrogantly insulted her, and even tried to tear her clothes off, obviously used to being overbearing.

No respect for others.

How could such a person come to apologize to her out of the blue?

It’s just because they fear Charlie’s power.


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