Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 1335

Chapter 1335

Chapter 1335

Chapter 1335

Emily nudged Charlie, who was still half-lying on her, and asked, “Are you asleep?”

“Uh, don’t mess with me!” Charlie murmured back.

“Go to sleep in your room; it’s getting late.” Emily gently suggested.

But Charlie didn’t want to move; Emily’s scent made him feel extremely comfortable, so comfortable that he just wanted to fall asleep like this.

Then he realized this wasn’t his home.

She just wanted to be friends with him.

Charlie felt a bit bummed.

This was the first time a woman had him so hooked, yet he couldn’t have her.

Slowly, Charlie got up, picked up the bathrobe Emily had placed on the sofa earlier, and headed for the bathroom. After a few steps, he turned around, his face full of dissatisfaction. “Can you get me another bathrobe?”

Emily looked at him in surprise. Was he planning on staying here?

Charlie glanced at the Hello Kitty bathrobe she had prepared for him and headed into the bathroom, looking pretty pissed off.

He quickly finished his shower and went into the master bedroom, where Emily was sitting on the edge of the bed. In the dim light, her face looked exceptionally serene and gentle.

Charlie said, “I’ll sleep in the master bedroom tonight, you go take a shower and rest.”

Knowing he didn’t sleep well last time, Emily quickly suggested, “You sleep in the guest room; Kya might disturb your sleep at night, but I’m used to it” “How about we both sleep here?” Charlie raised his eyebrows.

Emily rolled her eyes and said, “Forget what I said.”

With that, she got up and left the room.

Charlie sat on the bed, and as she was about to leave, he reminded her, “Don’t forget to come say goodnight!”

Emily chuckled. “Got it!”

As the night deepened, the rain got heavier, the thunder roared, and the sound of the rain beating against the windows

Emily slept uneasily, always wanting to go next door to check.

She even dreamed of Charlie, sometimes gentle, sometimes cold, making her emotions chaotic in her dreams and making her feel helpless and anxious “Emily


Hearing someone call her in her sleep, Emily opened her eyes, groggily looking at the man at the bedside and then, after three seconds, she suddenly woke up.

It was broad daylight outside, and the rain had stopped.

Charlie stood at the foot of the bed, neatly dressed, but not in yesterday’s clothes.

Could it be that Kent had already been here?

Emily sat up and rubbed her forehead. “Where’s Kya?”

“She’s having breakfast Charlie responded.

Emily looked up in surprise and asked, “Did Estelle bring breakfast over already?”

Charlie chuckled. “Why don’t you check the time?”

After he and Kya got up, they brushed their teeth and washed their faces. Then Estelle came over to deliver breakfast; he fed Kya half of the breakfast and found Emily still asleep

If he wasn’t worried about her oversleeping, he wouldn’t have bothered with her!

Emily glanced at the time and groaned, “How did I sleep so soundly?”

“Didn’t sleep well last night?” Charlie asked, looking at her face.

“There was thunder all night Emily replied quietly

“Scared of thunder, why didn’t you come find me?” Charlie’s voice softened. Go wash your face first, then have something to eat

“Okay!” Emily nodded and got up to go to the bathroom

Once the door was closed, Emily’s consciousness fully recovered. She recalled the events of last night, her face turning quite awkward.

Her relationship with Charlie seemed to be getting more and more out of control.


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