Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 1338

Chapter 1338

Chapter 1338

Chapter 1338

Grinning, Finley said, “Definitely! But our marketing manager thinks the show’s ratings won’t be that high and the sponsorship costs a bomb, so he shot it down.”

“Shot it down?” Carmella instantly deflated. Her eyes flickered as she explained, “Actually, the show is quite popular. Even before it’s aired, loads of people are already looking forward to it.”

Finley chuckled, “The show’s crew used to brag about getting KING as a guest judge, but they couldn’t even get him to budge. So, it’s hard to predict how well the show will do later on.”

He paused for a moment and smirked, “So, if I sponsor the show, I could help you out, right?”

Flushed, Carmella replied, “If you’re the show’s sponsor and you recommend me, then I’d definitely stand a chance!”

Finley moved to sit next to Carmella, his gaze soft and affectionate. “Carmella, I’ve always had a thing for you. If it makes you happy. I can try to persuade my dad

Tears welled up in Carmella’s eyes. “Would you really help me?”

“Of course! I mean, I’m head over heels for you,” Finley leaned closer, his eyes fixed on Carmella. He joked, “Carmella, since I love you this much, don’t you think you should show some appreciation?”

Carmella tensed up, aware that she couldn’t expect Finley’s help without giving him something in return. She turned and planted a soft kiss on his cheek “Finley, I do like you”

Finley took her hand, “Carmella, I’ve been waiting for you to say that for ages. Let’s find somewhere quiet and talk.”

Carmella panicked as she understood what Finley meant. She hadn’t expected him to bring it up so soon.

She gave an awkward laugh and stepped back. “Finley, let’s get my part of the show sorted out first. We can take our time with everything else.”

1 can’t wait any longer. I’ve been crazy about you for ages! If you agree today, I’ll ring my dad straight away! Finley was practically bursting with anticipation.

Carmella’s heart was pounding. She liked Finley a little, but not enough to give herself to him

She had feelings for Jason, and compared to Jason, Finley fell short.

Seeing her hesitation, Finley’s face fell. He took a sip of water, “Maybe we can talk about this some other time. No need to rush. My dad’s out of town. anyway.”

Carmella’s heart sank. Was Finley not going to help her anymore?

If she didn’t end up with Finley, Simone would marry her off to Elvin Frost, who was even worse than Finley, and she would end up with nothing! Determined, Carmella put on a sulky face. “I haven’t even said anything, and you’re already upset?”

Finley wrapped his arm around her waist and chuckled, “How could I ever be upset with you? You’re my precious darling”

Carmella blushed and leaned on his shoulder, 1 can agree to be with you, but let’s not rush into anything else.”

“If I’m not eager, it means I don’t really like you!” Finley said, staring at her passionately

Carmella knew Finley wasn’t someone to be taken lightly, so she pretended to be angry. “Where are you planning to take me?”

Finley was thrilled. He knew there was a chance that things could progress on that day. “Somewhere just for the two of us.”

He held onto Carmella’s hand, a sense of urgency in his grip, “I promise, I’ll be good to you.”

Carmella bit her lip.


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