Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 1356

Chapter 1356

Chapter 1356

Chapter 1356

Andrea scoffed, “What could it be? Girls these days are so open!”

Linda, who was standing by, didn’t help explain Emily’s situation but instead wore an embarrassed expression, “My brother Shawn has always been out and about. Gina lost track of him for a bit, and Emily made a bit of a blunder because of it

Auntie Ferber asked, “What on earth is Shawn doing? He didn’t even come back for Elliott’s wedding”

Linda explained, as previously discussed with Gina, “He’s abroad and missed his flight, but he’ll be back in a few days

Andrea had already heard from the Sullivans, so she didn’t bother asking further. Then, she shifted back to Emily, “Emily, an unmarried girl with a child, what’s the story there?”

Linda explained with a smile, “Don’t worry, Emily has rented her own place. She won’t disturb Elliott and Bonnie”

Auntie Ferber said, “Her life must be tough then. Isn’t she a graduate from a prestigious university?”

Kenny, sitting beside Linda, suddenly tumed and said, “Could Emily’s degree be fake? Graduates from Metropolitan University usually earn a high salary when they return home. Emily doesn’t strike me as someone who graduated from a top university. She doesn’t have a single branded item on her, the bag she carries is worth a few dozen dollars, and she works as an assistant. It doesnt add up.”

Linda shot Kenny a look, “You’re just too blunt, don’t spill all the beans!”

Andrea laughed, “Don’t bother hiding it. Emily previously fooled us with a fake husband. Maybe her degree is also fake. Anyway, Bonnie is already married to Elliott. You don’t have to hide anything


“Oh, is this Auntie Ferber?”

A clear voice suddenly came from behind everyone.

Everyone turned around and saw two very beautiful girls walking over. The one who spoke wore a checkered dress, and had a lovely face and a bright smile.

The girl next to her had bright eyes and white teeth, with a cool demeanour. Her eyes swept across the few people who were speaking as if a cold wind was


“You are?” Andrea asked, startled.

My name is Magdalen. Im Emily’s good friend. I was held up this morning and came late!” Magdalen stepped forward and smiled, “Emily is busy, so I’ll toast to, you on her behalf.”

With that, she poured a glass of wine for Andrea, “Thank you for being so insightful and marrying Bonnie to Elliott. Rest assured, Emily will definitely not drag the Sullivan family down.”

Andrea saw that Magdalen was well dressed and had an air of elegance and smiled, “We’re all family now. No need for formalities!”

Magdalen then turned to Linda, still with her bright smile, “May I ask who you are?

Linda hurriedly introduced herself, I’m Emily’s Aunt Linda.”

Magdalen smiled, “So you’re Aunt Linda

Her tone paused, and she looked at Kenny, “Are you Emily’s aunt too?”

Everyone was stunned.

Kenny’s face instantly turned pale. Was she really that old?

Linda smiled, “You got it wrong. This is my daughter Kenny!”

“Oh, I see!” Magdalen had an ‘aha’ moment, “You two look so alike. Even your tones are the same.”

Linda was taken aback, her face turning cheerful to serious, “Where are you from? Are you really Emily’s friend?”

“Of course, I’m Emily’s friend, a close one. Unlike some relatives who only pretend to be close!” Magdalen cheerfully said.


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