Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 1361

Chapter 1361

Chapter 1361

Chapter 1361

Bonnie snickered, “Why? Of course, it’s because Mr. James has a thing for Emily! Heck, Kya may even be Emily and Mr. James’ kid”

“No way in hell!” Elliott denied it firmly.

Bonnie wasn’t really into that thought. She said in annoyance, “Why didn’t you tell me sooner about Emily and Mr. James?”

If she had known that earlier, she wouldn’t have canceled Kya’s flower girl gig. She would have been so proud along with all those people present, especially those from the James Group!

“Emily and Mr. James are indeed friends, but Kya has nothing to do with him. Kya was born abroad. Mr. James just played along to keep the peace. Don’t overthink it or spread rumors!” Elliott admonished.

Bonnie’s eyes flickered, and she mumbled an answer.

They had many more guests to toast, so they didn’t dwell on the topic and got back to work.

The banquet lasted till the afternoon. Kya was asleep in Charlie’s arms while Emily was seeing off quests with the Sullivans.

Wrapping Kya in his jacket, Charlie told Emily, “You do your thing, I’ll take Kya home to sleep.”

Emily felt really bad, “You’ve had a tough day!”

“Don’t mention it, or it’ll make me feel weird, Charlie gave her a glance.

Emily blushed, her earlobes pink under the sun.

The James Group folks stood afar talking to Elliott, but their eyes were actually on Charlie

Charlie pulled up his coat to shield Kya from the sun and headed towards the car holding Kya.

Kent ran over, holding an umbrella to shade Kya, and opened the car door for them

Estelle and Magdalen also came to bid Emily farewell. Gina thanked them, “We’re really blessed that Emily has friends like you: On behalf of Emily, thank you” Gina, of course, knew about Magdalen handing out gold bars to the Ferber Family was what made the Sullivans the talk of the town. Bonnie was to thrilled that she was glowing and toasting with a grin.

With a slight laugh, Magdalen said, “Don’t mention it. If they’re good to Emily, we will be good to them. If anyone dares to treat Emily poorly, we won’t let it slide.” Gina caught the underlying message in Magdalen’s words. A hint of awkwardness flashed across her face, and she quickly said, “I understand!”

Linda looked pale but didn’t dare to throw a fit and left that place with Kenny.

The banquet was a hard pill to swallow for Linda and Kenny.

After the guests left, Elliott was busy with the hotel inventory. He was stunned for a while looking at the list of gifts.

Back home, everyone was exhausted. But Elliott didn’t rest. He called Gina into his roon while Emily was helping Bonnie to remove makeup and showed her the list of gifts.

Gina was also shocked to see the list. The gifts from Charlie and Estelle, Magdalen, and others were worth almost a hundred grand.

That list included some unfamiliar names. Manley, Jonathan, Josiah James, Carson Foster, and some others gave large gifts. Though they didn’t attend, it was clear that they were Emily’s friends.

“I want to give these to Emily,” Elliott proposed.

“Why would you do that?” Gina was puzzled.

“These are all Emily’s friends. If they need help in the future, Emily also needs to reciprocate. She can’t possibly afford such a huge amount. We should return this to her,” Elliott explained.

Gina hesitated, “Even though these people gave gifts because of Emily, those were gifted to you. It doesn’t seem right to give these back to Emily. She may not accept these either.”


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