Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 1382

Chapter 1382

Chapter 1382

Chapter 1382

“This is my boyfriend, Robin!” Sophia proudly introduced her boyfriend to everyone.

Then, she introduced Estelle, Harriet, and Jason to Robin.

They all got to know each other. Jason shook hands with Robin. They’d both heard about each other but never met.

Once everyone was seated, Robin apologized, “Sorry, I had a meeting and got stuck in traffic. You guys had to wait.”

Before anyone could respond, Sophia said, “It’s okay, they’re my besties; they wouldn’t mind waiting even if it was all night.”

Harriet chuckled, “You said it all. We were going to make Robin take a shot as a penalty, now we have no excuse. You did that on purpose, didn’t you?”

“As long as you get it, don’t spell it out,” Sophia replied with a grin.

Robin raised his glass and said, “If you’re Sophia’s friend, then you’re mine. This one’s for you guys!”

Everyone raised their glasses and cheered together.

Sophia served Robin some food and asked softly. “Have you had any stomach pain these past few days? Eat something first.”

Jason noticed Sophia’s tender gesture and downed his drink in one gulp.

Robin was a man of few words; Sophia did most of the talking. It was clear that Sophia was really into Robin; her eyes were full of love when she looked

at him.

Later, when Estelle came out of the restroom, Robin happened to be washing his hands. His phone on the washbasin suddenly rang, and he quickly

silenced it.

Turning to Estelle, he greeted, “Ms. Macclain!”

Estelle laughed, “Sophia and I are friends. I think we’ll be seeing a lot of each other. No need for formalities, just call me Estelle.”

“Sure!” Robin replied with a smile, “Sophia told me you’re really awesome, she admires you a lot!”

“She always overstates things, don’t listen to her!”

“Even though she exaggerates, it’s all true. I admire people like you who are low-key yet capable.

“You’re impressive too. I’ve heard a lot about you from Sophia, including your achievements abroad!”

They chatted for a while and then returned to the table.

After dinner, it was still early. Harriet booked a private karaoke room upstairs, and they continued chatting over drinks.

Sophia, being the lively type, loved singing. She was particularly happy today, had a few drinks, and dragged Robin into singing a love song. Robin laughed, “You sing. You know I’m tone-deaf. Don’t make me embarrass myself in front of your friends.”

“Fine, I’ll let you go today, but when you go back, you’ll sing it for me alone! “Sophia coquettishly said.

“Deal!” Robin replied with a fond smile.

Jason was sitting in the corner of the couch, watching the affectionate couple with a complex look in his eyes.

Estelle was sitting next to Jason, noticing him downing drinks one after another, she asked softly, “Are you in a bad mood today?”

Jason’s eyes were hidden behind his gold-rimmed glasses, deep and mysterious. He smiled, “No, I just felt like having a drink. Join me?”

Estelle picked up a bottle and clinked it with his, the cocktail tasted intense and spicy.

“Even though Sophia is really into Robin, she still needs your help to keep an eye on things, Estelle said gently.

Sophia’s family was also in B City, but her parents weren’t around. She spent half of her time in J City since she was a child and even went to university there.

Even though Sophia was Jason’s senior, he always looked out for her.

Looking at Sophia, who was singing passionately, Jason laughed, “She’s been crushing on Robin for years. Even if Robin had a ton of flaws, she’d still love him. What am I supposed to look out for?”


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