Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 1384

Chapter 1384

Chapter 1384

Chapter 1384

Estelle grinned, “I just gave it a quick glance. You’re giving me way too much credit.”

“Cut the act, and I know you have a great memory!” Sophia didn’t believe Estelle’s modesty for a second.

Robin was taken aback, “Is Estelle really that good?”

“Damn right, she is! She breezed through all her courses in less than a year and aced her way into the University of J City. I’m green with envy Sophia exaggerated.

“That’s impressive!” Robin exclaimed.

Jason, standing by, calmly asked Estelle, “Then why do you always lose every time you play cards?”

Estelle’s smile froze slightly, “Don’t rub it in!”

Everyone broke into laughter.

The next loser was Jason, who chose truth.

Tll ask!” Sophia volunteered eagerly. Looking at Jason, her gaze was loaded, “Mr. Gilder, is the person you’re into in this room?”

Jason looked back at Sophia, his eyes just as poignant.

Sophia gave him the eye, seemingly trying to set him up with Estelle.

Harriet perked up, “Mr. Gilder, spill the beans. We all want to know.”

Sophia added, “You’ve got to play by the rules, not lie!”

Jason nodded, “Yes, she’s in this room.”

Estelle looked at Jason, suddenly understanding something. Her heart felt a tad heavy.

“Mr. Gilder, your secret’s out!” Sophia glanced at Estelle.

Harriet growled, “That question was too vague. Why didn’t you just ask him directly who he likes?”

Sophia didn’t dare to be that blunt. Knowing that Estelle already had a boyfriend, she didn’t want to create an awkward situation.

“The mystery is more fun when it unfolds slowly. If I win the next round, I’ll ask again!” Sophia replied with a grin and continued shuffling the cards.

Robin’s phone had been on silent mode. The screen lit up. He glanced at it and put it aside.

Unexpectedly, Jason lost the next round and was forced to choose to dare.

“Let me do it, let me do it!” Sophia snatched the punishment booklet, and flipped through a couple of pages. Her eyes lit up, “This one!”

Seeing Sophia’s excitement, Jason knew he was in for a tough one.

Sure enough, Sophia giggled, “Choose a person of the opposite sex in this room and stay in the dark room with her for ten minutes.”

Without hesitation, Jason stood up and said to Estelle, “Let’s go!”

Estelle smiled and followed Jason into the dark room.

Once they left, Harriet said mysteriously, “So, you’re saying Mr. Gilder has the hots for Estelle? But Estelle is already taken by Jonathan. Careful, you don’t play with fire!*

Robin was surprised, “Jonathan? The CEO of the Lamont Group?”

“Yes.” Harriet nodded.

Robin looked somewhat taken aback.

Sophia said, “I just feel sorry for poor Mr. Gilder, having a thing for Estelle all these years, and then she gets snatched away by someone else! I just wanted to give him a chance to be happy.”

Harriet sipped her drink, “A lot has happened between Estelle and Jonathan in the two years you’ve been away”

Sophia immediately asked, “How did they get together, spill the tea!”

“I’m not exactly sure. You can ask Mr. Gilder!” Harriet replied with a smirk.


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