Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 1411

Chapter 1411

Chapter 1411

Chapter 1411

After a few words with Hans, Amber called Sallie, and Sallie hung up quickly.

Hans was restless and called Henson. Henson learned that there was a conflict between the show crew and Sallie, and Estelle had also gone there, so he also felt the situation was getting serious.

“Do you think Estelle might be bullied?” Hans asked worriedly.

Henson thought for a moment, then suddenly laughed, “Don’t overthink it, man. I’ll find someone to help her out!”



When Henson called Jonathan, he was in the middle of training his staff. Jonathan glanced at his phone, waved his executives away, then picked up the phone.

Henson cut to the chase, “Estelle is being bullied. Can you give her a hand?”

“What?” Jonathan’s expression turned serious instantly.

“Estelle is in Moonbrook. If you still have feelings for her, you’d better hurry over!”

“Why on earth is she in Moonbrook?”

Jonathan stood up and walked out as he asked.

“It’s a long story. Just go there, there’s a reality show being filmed there, look for Estelle.”

Jonathan was clueless.

Estelle wasn’t on a movie set. Why would she be in Moonbrook filming a reality show?

Without time to think, Jonathan hopped in his car and drove straight to Moonbrook.

In the workspace, the director and Estelle were still at loggerheads. The director was using all his tricks, but Estelle was standing her ground.

The producer didn’t believe that Estelle could really control Snowy Studios, so he pulled some strings to get Jason’s number, hoping Snowy Studios could give some ground. Of course, they would offer something in return.

The producer buttered him up, but Jason only said one thing, “Listen to Estelle!”

The producer was taken aback.

Jason’s voice turned cold, “Don’t mess with Estelle, or not only will we end all collaborations between Snowy Studios‘ designers and your show, but your show will also be axed!”

“Mr. Gilder, don’t you think you’re overreacting?” the producer smirked.

“Try us!” Jason said and hung up.

The producer was stunned and looked at Estelle, wondering if Estelle had high status in Snowy Studios or was Jason just too biased.

Soon Estelle’s phone rang, and she picked up, “Yes, I’m here!”

“I’m on my way!” Jason’s voice was calm.

“No need, you’ve made your stance clear. You don’t need to come yourself.” Estelle sounded indifferent, “I can handle it on my own.””

Jason said seriously, “If they insist on replacing people, let Sallie come back. I’ll also call Sophia.”

“Alright.” Estelle nodded.

After hanging up, Estelle looked at the producer and director, “I think you guys are pretty clear about our studio’s position!”

The producer frowned, “Ms. Macclain, we don’t want to antagonize Snowy Studios, but please understand our predicament. The director and I are just carrying out the wishes of the higher–ups,. We can’t afford to offend the Lamont Group and Firefly Media Group. I believe you guys wouldn’t dare to cross them either.”

Estelle’s tone turned icy, “Then let Jonathan come and explain it to me himself!”

The producer burst out laughing, “Ms. Macclain, that’s a good one. Do you think Mr. Lamont can be easily summoned by us? And you expect Mr. Lamont to personally explain to you? That’s rather naive and laughable!”


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