Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 1437

Chapter 1437

Chapter 1437

Chapter 1437

Estelle got up to open the door for Norah.

The moment the door opened, Norah’s adorable face appeared. She looked at Estelle teasingly and said, “I didn’t interrupt your little love nest with Jonathan, did 1?”

Estelle chuckled softly. “No, come on in!”

Jonathan was already standing tidily in the living room. He smiled lightly and said. Tm going to catch up with Geoffrey, you two have a chat.”

“Sure!” Estelle nodded.

Before leaving, Jonathan reminded Norah, “Come downstairs when you’re done, dinner is about to be ready”

“I know, don’t worry, I won’t eat Estelle.” Norah joked, “Off you go, I’m going to chat with Estelle

Jonathan glanced back at Estelle, giving her a reassuring look, then opened the door and left.

Once the door closed, Norah turned to Estelle and laughed, saying, “You two really gave me a shock!”

“Because there were many things I had to keep from you” Estelle shrugged.

“Stop kidding!” Norah snorted, “I was the one who brought you to the Lamont family, but everyone knew about you and Jonathan before I did!”

She had just found out about Estelle and Jonathan from Janice when she came home from school today, which was quite a surprise.

Tm sorry” Estelle said it sincerely.

Norah laughed again. “Why apologize? I was surprised, but I’m also happy; we’re family now!”

She pulled Estelle to sit down on the couch, still feeling amazed. “I can’t believe you ended up with Jonathan! Were you two already married when you first came to my house? Did Jonathan know it then?”

“He didn’t.” Estelle shook her head.

Norah was stunned, then burst out laughing, collapsing onto Estelle in fits of laughter

“Estelle, you’re too much!”

She recalled that the first time she brought Estelle home, there was a minor conflict between Estelle and Jonathan over Milo. She asked Estelle to call Jonathan uncle, which Estelle reluctantly did.

Thinking about it now, she found it hilarious.

Estelle couldn’t help but laugh. “When you asked me to call Jonathan uncle, I was quite uncomfortable. I was afraid you guys would laugh at me when you found out. And indeed, I couldn’t avoid it!”

Norah laughed until tears came out. She sat up, cuddled a pillow, and looked at Estelle “Then what? You and Jonathan got closer and fell in love?”

Estelle felt a bit awkward, trying to play it cool: “Something like that!”

“And when did he find out that you were his wife? Was he shocked, silly?” Norah was now full of curiosity about Estelle and Jonathan, wanting to know every


Estelle thought for a moment, then quietly said, “I gave him our marriage certificate before I went abroad two years ago.”

Norah remembered what happened two years ago, her laughter slowly faded. “Oh my god, maybe Jonathan was not just shocked, he probably wanted to drop


“It wasn’t that dramatic!” Estelle smiled.

“No wonder” Norah recalled something, whispering.

She put her arm around Estelle’s shoulder, as if suddenly realizing something: “So that’s the story between you two! I always thought you were into Mr. Flemmings, and you two would end up together”

Estelle raised an eyebrow. “How could that be? Xavier Flemmings and I are just good friends”

A glimpse of joy flashed in Norah’s eyes, and she happily said, “Anyway, I’m thrilled to see you and Jonathan together. If I need something from Jonathan in the future, let’s see if he dares to refuse mer

With that, she grabbed Estelle’s arm and said, “Promise me, you’ll always be on my side!”

“Surel Estelle nodded.

“So, how should I address you from now on? Auntie Estelle?” Norah teased, “It sounds so weird!”


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