Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 1451

Chapter 1451

Chapter 1451

Chapter 1451

Even if they were friends, shouldn’t he have tried to persuade one of his employees who quit out of the blue?

Didn’t he care about friendship that much?

Why was he just so cold and heartless to her?

They’ve known each other for so long. Didn’t she even count as a friend?

Yeah, he’s always wanted her to leave; it was her own insistence that she worked at his place!

Norah felt as if a chunk of rock was pressing on her chest, making it hard to breathe.

She held her phone tightly, feeling both angry and ashamed. Fine! She wouldn’t go! Did he really think he was that important that she had to work at his place?

Just as she was feeling sad and angry, she heard someone knocking at the door.

She thought it was Janice, quickly wiped the tear stains off her face, and went to the door, pretending to be calm.

Opening the door, she saw Estelle standing outside.

Estelle stared into her eyes and raised an eyebrow slightly. “Did you really get dumped?”

Norah’s face reddened; she turned around and walked into the room, sat on the couch, hugged a pillow, and said dejectedly, “No, I don’t have anyone I like; how could I get dumped?”

“Why were you crying in your room then?” Estelle sat down next to her and asked.

Norah frowned and said angrily, “Isn’t it all because of Xavier?”

“What happened with Xavier?” Estelle asked, surprised.

Norah spilled everything that happened at the store that day.

She couldn’t tell Xavier about Luisa’s feelings, and others thought she was just making a fuss. She felt so wronged.

Estelle frowned. “Are you sure Luisa likes Xavier?”

Norah quickly nodded. “I’m sure I’m not wrong; that woman is dating Zachary while seducing Xavier; she’s nothing but a vixen!” Estelle’s face turned slightly serious, and she said lightly, “I’ll go teach Henson first; we’ll go to the barbecue place after class.”

“I won’t go!” Norah hugged the pillow tightly and said angrily, “What if Xavier really likes Luisa? Why should I ruin their relationship? Just forget it; pretend I didn’t say anything.”

Estelle laughed. “Do you think Xavier is that type of person?”

Norah bit her lip and didn’t say a word.

Estelle said, “Even if Luisa did manage to catch Xavier’s heart, Xavier wouldn’t steal his friend’s girlfriend; I can guarantee that!”

“So, he does like her?” Norah asked, surprised.

“I was just making a point; whether he likes her or not, we can ask him when we go there.”

“I’m still not going!” Norah sneered, “He just called me, asked if I was going to the barbecue place, and I said no. He even asked Damian to settle my pay. He doesn’t consider me a friend; I won’t go there

ever again.”

“If you don’t go, Luisa will really mess up the barbecue place; are you okay with that?” Estelle laughed

Norah furrowed her brows.

“Xavier isn’t the type who can’t tell right from wrong; he might not have noticed Luisa’s intentions.” Estelle stood up and said, “I’ll go teach Henson first; after class, we’ll go to the barbecue place together.”

Norah reluctantly agreed, her eyes full of pride: “After I go there, I’ll say it was you who made me go.”

Estelle laughed lightly, saying, “Alright, I’ll tell Xavier that I forced you to go.”

Norah chuckled awkwardly. “Even if I go, I won’t talk to him!”

Estelle smiled and went to teach Henson.

Norah leaned back on the couch with the pillow, thinking about Xavier’s cold tone earlier, and still feeling unhappy.

Were they even friends?

Did he really not care at all whether she went or not?


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