Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 147

Chapter 147

Chapter 147

Chapter 147

Jonathan said, “Henson’s exams are coming up. Can you come over every night and tutor him? I’ll pay you double.”

Estelle looked down and scratched the wooden fence, “No need. Henson’s been doing pretty well with the review. I’ll just go over on the weekend and make sure he’s good to go for the exams. Also, I’ve got things to do these two days, and I can’t make it.”

Jonathan’s voice deepened, “Thought you were on break? What’s keeping you busy?”

Estelle bit her lower lip nervously and explained, “I’ve agreed to do a wall–painting project with a classmate. It will occupy my time for a few days.”

Jonathan remained silent on the other end of the line. After a brief pause, he responded softly, “Alright, I understand.” Then he abruptly ended the call.

Estelle put down her phone, resting her arms on the railing, looking at the dazzling night lights of J City. She sighed, trying to release her frustration.

The wall painting project went smoothly for the first two days, and by the afternoon of the third day, it was nearing completion. Chris was on a ladder finishing up the painting, while Estelle accidentally smeared paint on her face while tidying up. She told Chris about it and headed to the restroom to wash her face.

The restroom was occupied, so she waited a bit. By the time she returned, a crowd was in front of the cultural wall they had just painted. The stuff they had laid on the ground was tossed aside, the ladder was knocked over, and Chris was negotiating with the staff. Estelle approached Chris and inquired, “What’s happening?”

Chris appeared annoyed as he replied, “Some influencer from the Barry Group wants to take photos in front of our wall.”

Another staff member chimed in, saying, “It’s just a quick photoshoot. It won’t take much time. Please be patient for a little while.” Chris said, “Can you ask them to hurry up? Our paint isn’t dry yet, don’t let them touch it, or we’ll have to redo it!”

The staff member kept nodding and went to negotiate with the influencer’s team.

Estelle and Chris waited on the side, and after a while, the group still didn’t leave. Chris approached one of them, and the staff member informed him that the influencer wanted to shoot a video, which would only take a few more minutes.

Estelle took a closer look and saw a girl with retro makeup and a fur scarf posing in front of their cultural wall.

That would have been fine, but some people were creating artificial snow around her. The white flurries landed on the wet paint, causing it to smear.

Chris immediately tried to stop them, “Our painting isn’t dry yet. You can’t scatter these flakes and petals here, or all our hard work from the past three days will be ruined.”

The influencer’s manager, a woman, stepped up with a cold face and pushed Chris, “I saw you interfering with our people earlier. What’s your problem? If it gets messed up, just repaint it. What’s the big deal?!”

Chris, unwilling to hit back at a woman, could only turn back, his face turning blue, “What do you mean, what’s the big deal? Shouldn’t respect for others‘ labor be the basic quality?”

“You have no qualification to talk about qualities! Do you know who Annetta is? She’s a big influencer with so many followers. She can ruin you with a snap! Just stay away from her and don’t make her mad!” the manager shouted arrogantly.

The staff came over to calm the situation. Annetta looked annoyed, “Why is this idiot causing trouble? I was invited by this company’s CEO to help promote it. I am a highly–valued guest. Can’t you see that? Just let me finish my photoshoot! I’ve got other things to do, and my time is valuable!*

Chris approached Annetta confidently and stated, “Are you the one leading this team? We put in three days of hard work to paint this wall. You are welcome to take photos, but please refrain from scattering those flakes and petals here.”

Annetta sneered in response. “And who are you to dictate what I can do? I am an important guest invited by the CEO of this company. Do you even know who you’re talking to? She glanced at Chris disdainfully, “A painter dares to challenge me? What’s the world come


Chris argued back, “What’s wrong with being a painter? We’re working for this company as well. We’re all doing our jobs. Why should there be a hierarchy?”

Annetta, impatient, said, ‘Fine, whatever. You want money, right? Give him money. One or two thousand. My time here is worth much more anyway. You people are just beggars. So, take out your phones, and let’s transfer the money!”

Chris tried to reason with Annetta, but to no avail.

It was evident that Chris, being well–mannered, was reluctant to engage physically with a woman, despite enduring insults and hostility from Annetta’s team. The employees from the Barry Group

remained passive, not daring to intervene.

Estelle stepped forward, firmly grasping Chris’s arm and urging him to step back. Her voice remained composed as she said. “Leave it

to me, I’ll take care of this.”

True to her words, Estelle swiftly followed through with her actions. With a swift kick, she propelled Annetta, the influencer, across the room, effectively dealing with the situation.

The world turned silent!


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