Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 1474

Chapter 1474

Chapter 1474

Chapter 1474

Norah’s face turned serious in a second.

Magdalen headed towards her car, while Norah climbed into Estelle’s. After buckling up, she asked, “Why are we still after her?” “She stole all the money Zachary had been saving for years. We can’t just let it slide” Estelle’s voice was filled with icy indifference. Norah was shocked. “This woman really is shameless! Not only did she deceive him emotionally, but she also stole his money!”

She asked curiously, “Did you intentionally ask your friend for help? We could easily deal with her ourselves!”

Estelle raised an eyebrow and smirked. “For this kind of thing, it’s always better to get a professional involved!”

Half an hour later, they pulled up in a residential area. Norah saw Magdalen getting out of the car with two tall, beautiful women, and she began to understand what Estelle meant.

They headed straight up to a flat. One of the women in a red leather skirt knocked on the door. Luisa’s voice came from inside, “Who is it?”

“Hi, your delivery’s here! The woman replied in a soft voice.

“Delivery?” Luisa came to the door. “I didn’t order any delivery!”

As soon as the door cracked open, the woman in the red skirt changed her demeanor. She kicked the door open, grabbed Luisa by the hair, and yanked her backward. Despite her high heels and miniskirt, her moves were swift and practiced. This was clearly a woman who knew how to handle herself, both in business and in a fight. She dragged Luisa into the room by her hair.

Luisa screamed, but the moment she saw Estelle and Norah, her screams stopped, and her face turned pale with fear.

They all walked in, and the woman in the red skirt and another woman who had arrived with Magdalen dragged Luisa into the bedroom and closed the door. Magdalen looked around Luisa’s apartment and said to Estelle, “She doesn’t seem to plan on staying long. She must be planning to run.”

Estelle’s voice was cold. “She knows Zachary won’t let her go.”

Norah turned to look at the bedroom as women’s shouts came from within. Will we be able to get the money back?”

Magdalen gave a small smile. “Don’t worry, I brought the two most capable women from my company. This is small potatoes for them. They’ll make sure Luisa

gets a life lesson she’ll never forget”

Norah said, “Thank you!”

“Don’t mention it!” Magdalen’s smile was bright. “Anyone who messes with Ella’s niece won’t get away with it!”

Norah looked a bit embarrassed. I’ve told you not to call me her niece”

“Oops, my bad!” Magdalen pinched her cheek. I guess I’m just a bit too excited to have such a cute and beautiful niece.”

About twenty minutes later, the bedroom door opened. The two women that Magdalen had brought with her came out and handed a card to Magdalen “All the money that Luisa scammed from her boyfriend has been transferred to this card. It’s a total of 340,000!”

Magdalen nodded and handed the card to Norah. “Give this to Zachary. Tell him to be more careful when choosing a girlfriend next time.”

Norah took the card and thanked Magdalen again. She glanced into the bedroom and saw Luisa. Her hair was a mess, there seemed to be blood on her legs, and she was curled up in pain.

Norah looked worried. “Will she be okay?” She didn’t want to cause any trouble for Estelle or their friends.

Estelle stepped in front of Norah, blocking her view of the room. “Don’t worry” She said. “Magdalen knows how to handle things. She’ll be fine.”

Norah nodded, finally feeling reassured. They left Luisa’s place, with Norah saying she would return the money to Zachary Estelle drove her to the barbecue restaurant.

Magdalen had business to attend to and left with her people after saying goodbye to Norah.

On the way to the restaurant, Norah laughed “Estelle, your friend is really capable”


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