Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 1481

Chapter 1481

Chapter 1481

The phone call went through, and just as he suspected, Estelle was frosty, saying she wasn’t free tonight Bennett tried a few more words, but seeing Estelle’s firm stance, he hung up and reported to Terrence

Terrence laughed coldly after hearing about Estelle’s rejection “Estelle sure has a personality Maybe she thinks having the Lamont family as backing gives her the right to ignore the Macclain family. She’s just working for the Lamonts, so how long can they protect her? She’s not the grateful type

Bennett added, “Her character is indeed not the likable type which is probably why her misunderstanding with her mom deepens

Terrence huffed seriously. “Now it seems her own issues are bigger. She’s cold and hard, she doesn’t have a clue about how to make people like her.”

Seizing the chance. Bennett said, “Maybe we shouldn’t invite her over today’

But after remembering how Jonathan Lamont had protected Estelle that day, Terrence decided that she might still have some use. Il call her myself later I can’t believe she’d be so arrogant as to embarrass me in front of everyone!*

Bennett frowned Tm just worried she’ll stick to her guns and make you mad

As they were taking a servant came in to report, “Miss Carmella and Miss Sallie are back.”

Just outside the Macclain family mansion, Sallie and Carmella got out of the car together and walked towards the villa. The servant was warmer towards Carmella and greeted her first. Carmella was wrapped up in sunglasses and a big sunhat.

Safie sneered, You really think you’re a celebrity, huh?”

Carmella took off her sunglasses; her face was adorned with a graceful smile. “I can’t help it. Since the show, I’ve had tons of fans asking for autographs. I’m starting to think you have it easier, Sallie. From now on, I won’t be able to be as free as before; I might run into fans everywhere.”

Sallie could tell Carmella was mocking her for not being as famous, and she huffed off into the house.

Upon their arrival, Simone immediately got up, walked over, and hugged Carmella with a proud face, “Baby, are you tired?”

Carmella smiled sweetly, “Everyone’s working hard, so a little tiredness is fine. The crew has been taking good care of me.”

You’re the most important person on the crew now. Of course they’d take care of you!” Simone raised her voice intentionally so everyone in the living room could hear.

Carmella looked at everyone and apologized, “Sorry I’m late; I ran into some fans who wanted autographs on the way back.”

Elizabeth smiled lovingly, “That’s alright, you’re not late at all!”

Natalia joked, “Our Carmella is really becoming a big star; she even has fans!”

Simone, holding Carmella’s hand, tried to act humble but couldn’t hide the pride on her face, “This is just the beginning. There are already many agencies wanting to sign Carmella; she’s still considering!”

Natalia laughed, “With such a great opportunity, what’s there to consider?”

Simone explained, “It’s not about other factors, just which agency is more sincere and has better prospects. Carmella, herself, doesn’t really want to enter showbiz, so being too famous might not be good for her, and her personal time would be reduced.”

Natalia awkwardly smiled, “Given Carmella’s current achievements, she should indeed be careful in picking.”

Leonie, who was standing nearby, rolled her eyes at Simone and Carmella’s self-promotion and turned her head away.

Sallie sat on the sofa, not wanting to watch Simone and Carmella show off, and pulled out her sketches to look over her designs. While she was contemplating, Terrence called her over and asked her to call Estelle to invite her to the celebration dinner tonight.


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