Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 1488

Chapter 1488

Chapter 1488

Chapter 1488

He’s decked out in a dark blue shirt today, paired with a black-brown checkered tie that she picked out for him in the morning. His natural vibe was a bit aloof and detached, and the meticulous dark attire only magnified his cool arrogance and nobility, as if he’s a man untouched by worldly dust.

The moment Jonathan showed up, acquaintances flock gathered around him, trying to suck up to him.

Estelle watched the man in the center of the crowd, a slight smile unconsciously curling up her lips. Sallie was fascinated too. “President Lamont is just too handsome, exactly like the male lead I imagined in novels!”

Estelle looked at her, the smile on her lips becoming more pronounced.

Sallie said, “Don’t laugh, who doesn’t have a penchant for beauty! I heard Jonathan isn’t married yet, wonder what kind of wife such a powerful, wealthy and handsome man will end up with?”

After saying this, she seemed to remember something and quickly asked Estelle, “Are you close with Jonathan? Do you see him often at the Lamont family? Do you have a crush on him?”

“Yes!” Estelle nodded candidly, “As you said, who doesn’t like a handsome guy!”

Sallie sighed, “Then you’re in more danger than me. The closer you get to such a man, the more dangerous it is!”

Estelle just smiled nonchalantly. “It’s fine.”

“Does Jonathan have a girlfriend?” Sallie asked curiously.

Estelle shook her head, “No!” She’s his wife, not his girlfriend.

Sallie snorted, “Even if he doesn’t, there won’t be a shortage of women around such a man. Forget it, I’ll stop dreaming”

On the other side, Natalia spotted Jonathan and deliberately asked in front of Terrence, “Sabina, Mr. Lamont is here because of you, isn’t he?”

Sabina looked at the handsome man with a hint of surprise. When Terrence asked her to send an invitation to Jonathan, he clearly said he wouldn’t make it. Why did he suddenly show up?

Terrence looked at Sabina approvingly and quickly stridden towards Jonathan. Natalia nudged Sabina, “What are you dazed for? Hurry up and greet your boss!”

Sabina approached the man with an inconspicuous gentleness on her usually cool face. Terrence was both surprised and thrilled by Jonathan’s arrival and promptly invited him to the VIP seat.

Jonathan’s gaze swept across the banquet hall and landed on Estelle in the corner. His eyes deepen, the corner of his mouth slowly curling up, and his aloof demeanor seemed to soften.

Jonathan’s appearance instantly boosted the prestige of the Macclain family’s Blythe celebration. Some guests who were originally invited by the Macclain family for potential alliances were dumbfounded. They had no idea that the Macclain and Lamont families were acquainted! They immediately switched their attitudes and became friendlier with the Macclain family, hoping to also get acquainted with the Lamont family

Sitting beside Jonathan, Terrence felt extremely proud, personally pouring coffee and offering cigarettes, his face wrinkled with smiles.

Simone watched the man being fawned over from a distance and turned to ask Bennett, “Did Mr. Lamont come this time because of Estelle or because of Sabina?”

Bennett reasoned, “I guess it’s Estelle.”


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