Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 1498

Chapter 1498

Chapter 1498

Chapter 1498

Carmella’s face was extremely ugly, she was extremely upset and desperately wanted to get out of Jonathan’s sight immediately! Simone managed to keep her cool. “I was just thinking, since Mr. Lamont can take care of Estelle, perhaps you could also look after our Carmella from time to time. You just need to get to know Carmella better, her talents will definitely blow your mind.”

“Her compared to Estelle?” Jonathan seemed to take this as a joke, his face filled with mockery, “I’m afraid there’s a bit of a gap between them!”

Carmella shot to her feet, looking both wronged and defiant, “Mr. Lamont, it seems you’ve already formed a bias against me, thinking my sister is better. I have nothing to say to that, then I’ll let my actions speak for myself!”

With that, she turned to Simone, her tone firm, “Mom, Mr. Lamont has misunderstood me and no matter what we say, he won’t believe us. Today our purpose has been made clear, so let’s say goodbye!”

Reluctantly, Simone stood up, “Ma’am, Mr. Lamont, we’ll take our leave then.”

Jonathan didn’t say a word, and Cathrine simply had a servant escort the mother-daughter duo out.

As Simone and Carmella drove away from the Lamont family, Carmella’s eyes started to well up, tears beginning to roll down her cheeks. Simone quickly tried to console her, “Jonathan’s just a bit cold- hearted, otherwise, he wouldn’t still be single. Take it slow, no rush!

Carmella shook her head, “What hurts isn’t him looking down on me, but questioning if I’m really that far behind my sister?”

“Rubbish, you’re way better than Estelle, Jonathan only said those things because he doesn’t know you.” Simone scoffed, “I underestimated Estelle, entering the Lamont family as a tutor, she’s won their

favor. She’s more cunning than I thought.”

Carmella’s eyes darted around, she murmured, “Mom, is there any hope for me?”

“Don’t rush, I’m telling you!” Simone’s face was full of scheming, “Once you sign with an agency and your fame grows, the Lamont family will see. Then they’ll know who’s better, you or Estelle.”

Carmella said, “I’m planning to sign with the same agency as Heather Vang. They’ll come tomorrow to sign the contract.”

“So soon?” Simone was thrilled, “That’s great!”

She wasn’t hoping for Carmella to make a fortune as a star, just for her to be admired and to show everyone how talented and beautiful her daughter was, incomparable!

The Lamont family. After Simone and Carmella left, Jonathan asked Cathrine, What were they really here for? It didn’t seem like they were here just to express their gratitude.”

Cathrine chuckled, “Haven’t you figured it out? Mrs. Macclain is trying to marry Carmella into our family, to you!”

Jonathan was taken aback.

Cathrine was fuming. “Simone had the nerve to call Estelle adopted, I wanted to expose her so badly! We should just announce your relationship with Estelle to make them give up, and show Simone that we’ll treat her daughter right, even if she doesn’t!”

Jonathan drummed his fingers on the armrest of the couch, lost in thought, “Ella doesn’t want to go public because she doesn’t want to involve the Macclains. You’ve seen what they’re like.”

Cathrine replied. “The Lamont family never backs down from trouble. I just don’t want Estelle to be bullied by them.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll protect her.” Jonathan checked his watch, “The first class is almost over, I’ll go check on her.”

Seeing Simone and Carmella made him miss his Ella, he wanted to talk to her, to see her smile.

Cathrine instantly said, “The peach cobbler is ready, you should bring some to Estelle. She’s too skinny, she needs to eat more.”

Jonathan thought to himself, his Ella just looked skinny, But, he wouldn’t mind if she was a bit plumper, so he didn’t argue, took the dessert from the servant, and headed upstairs.

Carmella quickly signed a contract with Heather’s agency, Visionary Studios, officially becoming one of their artists. The promotional announcement was already prepared, and it was posted online the same day.


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