Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 1516

Chapter 1516

Chapter 1516

Chapter 1516

Mr. Tucker hadn’t anticipated that the cyberbullying would reach Estelle, let alone affect the whole crew. He was a bit worried about Estelle’s safety. After some thought, he decided to let Estelle stay home for a few days until the online storm died down.

Blythe was also shocked. She and Estelle almost got seriously hurt!

Estelle didn’t want to be a burden to the crew, and she wouldn’t be able to be there the next day anyway, so she agreed.

The bodyguard informed Jonathan about the situation. Jonathan was in a meeting at the time, but he immediately excused himself. He let Chuck take over and rushed over in his car to pick up Estelle.

Jonathan was relieved to hear that Estelle was safe, but he was still serious, “Is Jason capable of handling this? If he can’t, let me deal with it!”

Estelle tried to reassure him, “Don’t sweat it, Snowy Studios is holding a press conference tomorrow. Everything will be sorted out then!” “You’re sticking with me for the next couple of days. Don’t go anywhere else!”

Jonathan opened the passenger door for her, helped her with her seatbelt, then bent down and gave her a quick peck on the lips, “Come with me to the office”

Estelle pressed her lips together and nodded lightly

Upon entering the Lamont Group, Estelle and Jonathan immediately became the center of attention. The receptionist slyly greeted Estelle, “Ms. Macclain, you’re back again!”

Estelle turned and flashed a smile, “Hey!”

Jonathan didn’t bother hiding it. He took her hand as they headed for the elevator. The people they passed were surprised before they remembered to greet their CEO,

Once in the elevator, Estelle immediately pulled her hand away, keeping her distance from him, “If you keep this up, I’m going home!”

Jonathan couldn’t help laughing at her annoyed expression, “You’re starting to like that!”

Estelle raised an eyebrow at him, “Like what?”

“The shy wife of a CEO!”

Estelle just rolled her eyes.

As the elevator stopped, Jonathan instinctively turned to take her hand again, but Estelle waved him off, “You go first!”

Jonathan’s face showed a mix of resignation and indulgence. Then he stepped out.

Sabina saw Jonathan returning and hurriedly approached him with a bunch of files, Before she could say anything, she noticed Estelle following behind him, and her gaze suddenly turned cold.

Jonathan took the files. “Has the meeting ended?”

“Not yet!” Sabina replied respectfully

Jonathan looked at Estelle with a gentle gaze, “Wait for me in my office, I’ll be right back!”

“Okay!” Estelle nodded.

Sabina watched Estelle’s gentle face, but couldn’t figure out her relationship with Jonathan.

Jonathan asked Kally to look after Estelle while he went to the meeting room.

Sabina followed Jonathan, casting a cold, arrogant glance at Estelle before she left.

Just as they were about to enter the meeting room, Sabina couldn’t help but ask cautiously, “Mr. Lamont, what’s your relationship with Estelle?”

Jonathan looked back, his gaze cold, “Are you asking out of concern for Estelle from the Macclain family’s perspective, or are you just curious about my relationship with her?”

Sabina was speechless.

Jonathan, being his usual cold self, pushed open the door to the meeting room and walked in.

Estelle stepped into the CEO’s office, a place she was becoming quite familiar with. She walked over to the sofa and sat down, pulling out some design sketches, and preparing to design costumes for Yulia’s upcoming scenes.

In came Kally. She carried coffee and desserts to greet Estelle with a friendly smile, “Ms. Macclain, long time no see


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