Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 1667

Chapter 1667

Chapter 1667

After everyone was calmed down, Nestor glanced at the sky again and said coldly: “Little girl, I don’t believe that the poison in your hand can kill everyone here. If you really have this ability, even though Take action.”

“What? You don’t even care about the lives of your subordinates?” Abigail frowned slightly.

She has many types of poisons on her, but unfortunately they are not large in quantity.

Especially the corrosive poison that was just released. There are only three in hand. Even if you throw them all away, it is impossible to destroy all the enemies.

That’s why she made all kinds of threats to try to scare off the enemy.

But she didn’t expect that Nestor was so cruel and ruthless and didn’t care about the life and death of the people around him.

“The people present are all brave men who are not afraid of life and death. As long as they can complete their mission, I believe they are willing to sacrifice themselves.” Nestor said calmly.

“That’s right!”

Mark Montgomery shouted loudly: “Witch! I advise you not to meddle in other people’s business, and get out of here immediately, otherwise you will die today!”

“Huh! What a bunch of heartless people! Since you are seeking your own death, don’t blame me!”

Abigail’s pretty face turned cold, she stopped talking nonsense, and hit Nestor and his group with three poisonous fog bombs.

As the saying goes, to capture the thief first, capture the king. As long as Nestor and Mark Montgomery are killed, I believe these soldiers will defeat themselves.

“Master Wei! Flash!”

Seeing the poisonous mist bombs falling, Mark Montgomery’s complexion changed and she quickly retreated, fearing that she would be contaminated even a little bit.

Although the martial arts master’s internal energy can protect him from all poisons, he does not dare to take any risks.

After all, he had seen everything that happened to the soldiers just now.

If the corrosive poison cannot be blocked by the true energy, if it falls on the body, the face will be disfigured at best, and the skin will peel off and the flesh will rot at worst.


Nestor did not dodge or avoid.

The huge angry-eyed King Kong broke out of his body again, then waved his huge palm and slapped three poisonous mist bombs hard.

“Bang, bang, bang…”

The three poisonous fog bombs were like ping pong balls that were knocked away, flying hundreds of meters away in an instant and exploding in the crowd.

In an instant, a large amount of black mist spewed out again.

Thousands of armed soldiers were directly swallowed by the black mist.

Screams, calls for help, and wails came and went.

Those who were poisoned ran around, while those who were not poisoned retreated crazily, fearing that they would be implicated.

Soon, the entire battlefield was in chaos.

After the previous horrific experiences, many soldiers had lost their fighting spirit and their bodies could not stop shaking.

No matter how well-trained they are, they are still human.

People will be afraid, fearful, and have all kinds of negative emotions.

They would rather fight the enemy head-on and spill their blood on the battlefield than be poisoned to death for no apparent reason.

“Let’s see how much you can block!”

Abigail didn’t give up. She moved her hands and found a row of white beads between her fingers, then threw them down.

“Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang…”

The white beads suddenly exploded before they even hit the ground.

A large amount of white mist spurted out, covering a distance of hundreds of meters in the blink of an eye, blocking everyone’s sight.

Although the white poisonous mist is not as ferocious as the black poisonous mist, it is superior in its large amount and wide coverage.

“Uncle! Let’s go!”

While the black and white poisonous fog disturbed the crowd, Abigail piloted the black giant eagle and swooped down from high altitude, flying in the direction of Dustin.

The poison on her body has been exhausted, and the best option now is to take Dustin and run away.

Seeing Abigail swooping down, Dustin reacted quickly. With a little step, he jumped directly into the air and landed firmly on the back of the giant eagle.

“Xiao Hei! Get out of here quickly!”

Abigail patted the giant eagle on the back.

The giant eagle screamed, its huge wings suddenly fluttered, and it instantly raised its body and flew away at an extremely fast speed.

“Great! It’s finally safe!” Abigail looked happy.


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