Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 1687

Chapter 1687

Chapter 1687

Chapter 1687


I saw a flash of sword light without any warning, and instantly penetrated Nestor’s neck.

Its speed is so fast that no one can react at all.


Nestor’s body trembled, and his whole body seemed to be petrified, frozen in place, motionless.

He widened his eyes and looked at Tyler Juding not far away, his eyes full of shock and astonishment.

He never dreamed that Tyler Juding would attack him, and that he would be so caught off guard.

Even now, he still can’t believe it.


Aren’t the two sides allies?

On the premise that he had no grievances and was still an ally, why did Tyler Juding kill him?

Could it be that it was just because he urged me a few words? Tyler Juding was made unhappy, so he was killed?

Isn’t this guy’s temper too bad?


There was a muffled sound.

Nestor’s head detached from his neck and fell heavily to the ground.

His eyes were as wide as bells, and his face was full of disbelief.

Until his death, he never expected such a result.

He finally escaped from Dustin Changsongli, and when he thought he had a chance to win, he was killed by Tyler Juding with a sword.

It’s really the fate that makes people.

“What’s going on? Mr. Wei…is dead?”

Everyone was stunned when they saw Nestor being killed by a sword.

Everyone was dumbfounded and their faces were full of shock.

I thought Tyler Juding’s appearance was a savior, but in the blink of an eye, the savior turned into a killer.

The top master in the palace, the tenth strong man on the world-shattering list, was killed by a sword just like that. He died inexplicably. It really felt like a dream.

“How…how could this happen?”

Mark Montgomery was so frightened that her scalp was numb and she was dumbfounded.

Nestor is the number one master in the palace and a member of the Dragon Protection Pavilion. He has strength and support.

Tyler Juding cut off his head when he disagreed with her. Is he crazy? !

“Uncle…did I read that correctly? That man killed the Theswe gelding?”

Abigail was so shocked that she almost dropped the poison bottle in her hand.

She really couldn’t understand the situation.

Aren’t the two sides allies? Why are they still killing each other? Is there some deep hatred between the two?

“You read that right, Theswe Shigou… is indeed dead.”

Dustin nodded stiffly, his heart also turbulent.

He and Tyler Juding have never met each other and have no friendship. Why should the other party help him?

“Tyler Juding! Are you crazy?!”

After a brief moment of daze, Mark Montgomery cursed: “Master Wei is an official of the imperial court and a member of the Dragon Guard Pavilion. How dare you kill him? Do you know what crime you have committed? That is a serious crime of beheading! Even if you are a disciple of the Sword Sect, you will not escape death!”

“So much nonsense.”

Tyler Juding had no expression on his face, suddenly raised his sword, and swung it at Mark Montgomery in the air.


A sharp white sword light shot out of the air instantly.

The sword light swelled when it encountered the wind, and instantly spread to a length of more than ten meters. Like a crescent moon, it slashed hard at Mark Montgomery.


Mark Montgomery’s pupils shrank and he immediately raised his sword to block.


There was a loud bang.

Mark Montgomery’s sword was instantly cut off by the sword light, and his whole body was blown away a hundred meters away.

Finally, he fell heavily into the crowd, vomiting blood, his face was like gold paper, and he couldn’t even stand up.


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