Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 1711

Chapter 1711

Chapter 1711

“Guan Jia, with all due respect, it’s hard for me to agree with your point of view.”

Dustin said seriously: “For you, three wives and four concubines are normal, but in my opinion, monogamy is the orthodoxy. Moreover, a marriage without feelings is just a grave. I don’t want to harm anyone.”

As soon as these words came out, Margaret couldn’t help but look shocked, and there seemed to be something extra in his eyes when he looked at Dustin.

Looking at the entire Stonia, most powerful men have many women.

The remaining few are either because the woman’s family is powerful and dare not blatantly do so; or they are incompetent in that regard and are powerless.

It is very rare for a man like Logan Rhys to be clean and not approach women.

“Logan, do you dislike Margaret? Or do you think she’s not good enough for you?” Li Weimin asked tentatively.

His daughter Margaret is at the top of the rouge list. She is the top-notch existence in terms of appearance and talent.

Looking at the whole world, there are countless suitors.

I don’t know how many young talents are squeezing their heads, all wanting to see the beauty in the golden age.

Logically speaking, as long as Logan Rhys is a normal man, he will not refuse such a good thing.

“Ms. Li is both talented and beautiful, but I am not worthy of her. Besides, I already have my heart set on my own and I really can’t tolerate anyone else.” Dustin looked solemn.

“I didn’t expect you to be so infatuated, that’s all. It’s not sweet to be forced. Let’s talk about the marriage later.” Li Weimin did not force it.

As the saying goes, you have to eat one bite at a time and walk one step at a time.

Logan Rhys is so resistant now because he has not yet felt the charm of his daughter.

When two people fall in love over time, everything will fall into place, so there is no rush.

“Thank you, officials.” Dustin saluted with his hands raised.

“Logan, it’s getting late. You should go back and rest first. Regarding the heir, you can think about it carefully. I’ll wait for your reply.”

Li Weimin said and looked at Margaret: “Margaret, send me a long song.”

“Yes, Father.”

Margaret nodded and stood up.

“The common people resign.”

After Dustin bowed deeply, he followed Margaret out of the Reidxin Hall.

“Cough cough cough…”

Li Weimin just took a sip of tea and began to cough violently again. The light tea was soon stained red with blood: “Oh… it would be better if you gave me more time. In three years, we can dominate the world.”

At this moment, outside the Reidxin Palace.

Dustin, who was wearing eunuch uniform, had been following Margaret.

“Just…thank you.”

After a long silence, Margaret spoke first.

She still had a lot of things to do, and she didn’t want to get married at all. Dustin’s refusal gave her time to breathe.

“Why are you thanking me?” Dustin was a little confused.

“It’s nothing. Anyway, you are a good person. If you need help in the future, you can come to me.” Margaret said with a smile.

“You put it like that, I do need your help with something.” Dustin said bluntly.

“Tell me about it.” Margaret said.

“You are proficient in divination, can you help me calculate which prince will become the final prince?” Dustin asked tentatively.

Li Weimin had a huge problem, and now he could only throw it away.

“I’m not a god, how can I count everything?”

Margaret rolled his eyes and said angrily: “Besides, the kings of a country are all people who follow the way of heaven and are blessed with destiny. To calculate such a fate, I estimate that it will cost me half of my life, and it is not necessarily allow.”

“Is it so difficult?”


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