Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 1731

Chapter 1731

Chapter 1731

After eating and drinking, Dustin chose to say goodbye.

After sleeping for two days and one night, there are still many things to deal with, so I have to go back early to make arrangements.

Before getting into the car, Li internal energyngcheng suddenly called out Dustin and reminded: “Dustin, I gave you another fortune last night. Your crisis has not been completely resolved. You must be careful in the next period of time. “

“Don’t worry, I know what’s going on and I’ll leave first.”

Dustin nodded, said hello, and quickly left in the car.

When he got to the car, Dustin first called Natasha to report that she was safe, and then clearly informed Adam Spanner and Scarlet Spanner, briefly explaining what happened.

The general meaning is to prepare the Spanner Family. Once the battle for the right to inherit the throne begins, it will inevitably affect the entire court. As a royal family, the Spanner Family naturally cannot stay out of the matter.

An hour later, Dustin returned to the villa.

At this moment, Wan’er was cooking in the villa, while Lorenzo and Dr. Elijah were studying calligraphy together.

As for Maximus Kane, he closed his eyes to rest his mind and warm up his sword intention.


When Dustin opened the door, the first person to react was Maximus Kane.

He suddenly opened his eyes, and the long sword across his leg was suddenly unsheathed and pointed directly at the door.

“it’s me.”

Dustin immediately identified himself.

“Mr. Rhys? Are you finally back?”

Maximus Kane’s eyes lit up: “Where have you been these two days? Why is there no news at all?”

“There was something urgent to do, so I was delayed for two days.” Dustin smiled.

He would never say that he slept outside for two days.

“Mr. Rhys, I have sent back the letter you gave me before to West Lucozia.” Maximus Kanedao.

“Just give it away.”

Dustin didn’t care and asked, “Oh, by the way, how are Uncle Lorenzo and Doctor Elijah doing?”

“They are fine. I have been vigilant these past two days just to be afraid of something going wrong. Fortunately, everything is calm,” Maximus Kanedao said.

“That’s good, thank you for your hard work.” Dustin nodded.

“Is Logan back?”

At this time, Lorenzo and Dr. Elijah walked out of the study.

They had been staying at home, so they didn’t know what happened in the past two days, so they didn’t have anything to worry about.

“Uncle Lorenzo, your complexion is getting better and better, and you seem to be recovering well.” Dustin observed carefully.

I found that Lorenzo’s face was rosy, his breath was even and strong, and he was no different from a normal person.

“Thanks to your medicine, otherwise I wouldn’t have recovered so quickly.”

Lorenzo smiled and followed, “Oh, by the way, the Prince of West Lucozia sent an envoy over yesterday when you were not here to ask about your current situation. Do you want to meet him in person?”

“The messenger from the royal palace? Who is it?” Dustin raised his eyebrows slightly.

“I don’t know. I haven’t been back for ten years. There are probably not many old subordinates left. Now they are all new faces.” Lorenzo said.

“Since you are here because of me, you have to see him no matter what. Where is this person now?” Dustin asked.

It seemed that it was his letter for help that attracted the attention of the palace, so they sent someone to check the situation.

It just so happened that he also wanted to take this opportunity to inquire about the situation in the palace.

“I don’t know where it is, but he left a phone number before he left. I’ll go and ask him right away.”

Lorenzo said, immediately ran back to the room, pulled out the number, and started asking about the situation.

After a while, Lorenzo ran out again and said, “Logan, the messenger from the palace said that he will wait for us at the Imperial Tower at eight o’clock tonight.”

“Okay, let’s go there tonight.” Dustin nodded.

He was already very familiar with the Imperial Building in South City and had been there several times recently.

Time passed quickly, and it was night in a blink of an eye.

Dustin drove out at seven o’clock, carrying Maximus Kane and Lorenzo, and arrived at the Imperial Tower in less than half an hour.


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