Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 175

Chapter 175

Chapter 175

Chapter 175

Estelle politely replied, “Yes, thank you for your hospitality today, grandma.”

“Good girl!” Mrs. Lamont’s eyes became even kinder.

Janice and Norah walked her out, watching her get into Jonathan’s car and waving goodbye.

Jonathan started the car, drove onto the main road, and all the way downtown.

Estelle looked at the scenery outside the car window, and then quietly said, “You can go to work if you have something to do. I can take a taxi back by myself.”

Jonathan chuckled, “I do need to swing by my company.”

Estelle raised her eyebrows slightly, “Oh?”

Jonathan glanced at the girl’s profile through the rearview mirror, smiling.

The car entered the Royal Mansion and stopped in the underground garage. Estelle got out and saw Jonathan getting out as well and looked at him in surprise.

Wasn’t he going to the company?

Jonathan walked over, took her hand, and led her toward the elevator with a faint smile. “I just remembered that I had Millard handle things this morning.”

Estelle was speechless.

He must be doing this on purpose.

Upon entering the apartment, Jonathan pressed Estelle against the cabinet by the door and kissed her.

The passion that had been ignited in the study flared up again. He picked her up, passionately kissing her as they slowly made their way to the bedroom…

It was the first time they had been making love during daylight. The curtains were open, and the sunshine poured directly in.

Estelle lay on the bed, dazzled by the sunlight. She couldn’t help but close her eyes. In the darkness, she seemed to go back in time and see the neighbor’s girl, she was blowing bubbles with the bubble blower.

She used to always imagine those bubbles could take her to a beautiful fairy–tale world with no hunger or pain. She desperately chased them, reaching out to touch them, only to see them shatter at her fingertips and quickly disappear.

Now, she was chasing those colorful bubbles once more, as they whirled and danced around her, bringing happiness.

Estelle, exhausted, slept for a while and awoke when it was already dark.

The room was dim and quiet, Jonathan was not there.

Estelle put on a simple nightgown and noticing Jonathan on the phone in the study, she headed to the kitchen. Since Emily had moved downstairs, she always had dinner at Emily’s place. The refrigerator only had yogurt and ice cream.

She got a big tub of ice cream, went to the balcony, and started eating with the evening breeze. The cold and sweet cream slid down her throat. She shivered with satisfaction.

However, after only a few bites, Jonathan suddenly came over and took the ice cream from her hands.

Estelle looked at him in astonishment.

Jonathan frowned slightly and said solemnly, “Aren’t you afraid of a stomachache? You eat way too much cold stuff.”

Estelle’s clear eyes negotiated with him while pursing her lips, “Just half a tub, I’m hungry.”

“If you’re hungry, I’ll take you out to eat now, but no more ice cream.” With that, he walked back to the living room, tossing the ice cream into the trash without any hesitation.

Estelle watched him and felt unfair, muttering softly, “Smoking isn’t good either. Can Mr. Lamont quit smoking?”

Jonathan turned around, slowly nodding, “Fine, I’ll quit smoking, you quit ice cream. If I smoke one cigarette, you can have one tub of

ice cream.”

Estelle’s eyes lit up, “Really?”

“Really.” Jonathan’s thin lips slowly formed a smile. “We’ll keep an eye on each other.”


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