Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 180

Chapter 180

Chapter 180

Chapter 180

Jonathan sat on the edge of the bed, watching for a moment before leaning down to kiss her lips softly. The breeze blew in, causing the curtains to flutter and bringing about a picturesque serenity

He wore a black shirt while Estelle had skin as white as snow. The contrast between them was striking yet harmonious.

Estelle soon opened her eyes, seemingly half–awake and looking at him with innocence. He couldn’t help but deepened the kiss.

Estelle reached out her hand, hooked his shoulder, and tilted her head back in response.

After a long while, the man slightly raised his body, his gaze gentle. “are you hungry? Let me take you out for some food.”

Estelle rubbed her head on his arm, responding softly. “Mm–hmm.”

Jonathan couldn’t help but smile at her adorable appearance. He planted a reassuring kiss on her hair, then stood up to find her clothes in the wardrobe.

He picked out a mint green summer dress for her, with a hint of bubble sleeves and ankle–length, elegant yet cute.

Estelle didn’t need makeup. She simply tidied up her hair, changed her clothes, and went out with Jonathan.

They had lunch at the manor’s hotel. Baldrick and Winnie were already waiting there, chatting and laughing in low voices. When they saw them entering the room, Winnie immediately stood up and approached Estelle, affectionately hooking their arms together.

“I wanted to visit Ms. Macclain earlier, but Mr. Lamont said she was resting, so I didn’t bother.”

Estelle responded with a faint smile, ‘I’m sorry.”

“Of course not,” Winnie said with a charming smile. “I’m just envious of Mr. Lamont being so considerate.”

Baldrick jokingly interjected, ‘You make it sound like I don’t treat you good enough.”

Winnie pouted playfully, “I treat you better!”

Baldrick shrugged and chuckled, not agreeing nor disagreeing.

Jonathan noticed that Estelle didn’t like being too close to people. He pulled out a chair next to him, saying, “Come sit over here.”

Estelle took the hint, leaving Winnie’s arm and obediently sitting next to Jonathan.

Dishes came one after another, featuring cuisines from different countries, catering to everyone’s taste.

When a waiter came to pour wine, Baldrick squinted at Estelle, “Pour one for Ms. Macclain as well.”

Jonathan casually replied, “No need, she doesn’t drink.”

Baldrick arched an eyebrow, seemingly surprised, “Really?‘

Winnie chimed in, “Then I’ll join Ms. Macclain and have some juice instead.”

During the meal, Baldrick and Jonathan talked about their collaboration, with Winnie continuously serving him food. She gently scooped the crab roe onto a porcelain spoon, softly waiting for him to open his mouth and feeding him with a motherly tenderness.

Their interactions appeared quite natural, as if they’d always been like this.

Estelle glanced at Jonathan, wondering whether she should also help serve him in these kinds of situations.

Seemingly reading her mind, Jonathan turned to her, whispering, ‘Just focus on eating. I can eat myself.”

After saying this, he even served her a piece of beef she liked.

Estelle arched an eyebrow and decided to focus on her own meal.

She caught bits and pieces of the conversation between Jonathan and Baldrick. They were planning to collaborate on an artificial intelligence project and a third party, the German Merck family, was involved. The Germans had a monopoly on core technologies and were looking for partners in C Country, ultimately choosing the Lamont family and the Anderson family from B City.

However, whether the collaboration would be successful depended on the outcomes of their meeting.


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