Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 1856

Chapter 1856

Chapter 1856

Chapter 1556

Bonnie vented angrily. “He’s always being dragged off to socialize, saying his superiors see potential in him and bring him to booze up. I call bull! If he keeps this up, he’ll collapse from exhaustion!”

“I’ll talk some sense into my brother!” Emily said, “It’s late. I’ll stay here to take care of him. You should rest. I’ll call if anything comes up.”

“Thank you, Emily!”

“We’re family. No need for formalities!”

Emily ended the call. Charlie watched her, then rose thoughtfully and said, “You lie down for a bit. I need to make a phone call.”

Emily nodded, assuming he had something urgent to attend to.

Charlie exited the ER and found a quiet spot outside, then dialed a number.

Despite the late hour, the call was picked up quickly. In a nervous voice, the person on the other end asked, “Mr. James?”

Charlie cut to the chase, “Did you arrange for Elliott to keep overworking and socializing?”

Mr. Sample from the branch office was taken aback and quickly replied, “No, I didn’t know. I just thought Elliott was doing a good job and asked director Lucien to keep an eye on him. We even planned to promote him to marketing manager.”

Charlie was frosty. “Don’t beat around the bush! I want to know who’s pulling strings behind the scenes. I’ll get to the bottom of this tonight. Don’t think about covering for anyone, or you can pack your bags

too. Got it?”

Mr. Sample’s voice trembled. “Yes, I’ll look into it right away.”

“I’ll wait for your report.”

Charlie waited outside for a while. Mr. Sample called back soon.

“Mr. James, I found out that all the work and socializing arranged for Elliott was by director Lucien. He explained it as toughening up Elliott, but I know his real intention. He fears Elliott’s promotion might threaten his position, so he’s been exploiting him. The projects he arranged for Elliott are all high-risk.” Mr. Sample’s voice was filled with fear. “I’ll talk with director Lucien tomorrow and make sure you get an explanation.”

Charlie replied indifferently,

long as everything’s clear. Don’t let hardworking employees lose their faith.”

Mr. Sample agreed hastily, “I overlooked this. I assure you, I’ll handle it.”

“Good. Elliott’s health took a hit. Let him rest for a few days. Do as I say.”

Mr. Sample sounded even more panicked. “Is Elliott seriously ill? He can take as much time off as he needs. I’ll talk to HR about paid leave.” “It’s late; you should rest.”

“Mr. James, you should rest too.”

Charlie hung up and headed back to the ER.

Half of Elliott’s IV bag was left. He was sleeping more peacefully than before, so it didn’t look like it was anything serious.

Emily was curled up on the bed next to him, her eyes closed as if she were asleep.

He walked over, picked up her coat, and draped it over her, then lay down and wrapped his arm around her.

Emily woke with a start and instinctively tried to evade his embrace.

Charlie opened his eyes, held her shoulder firmly, and asked with a heavy gaze, “Why are you avoiding me?”

Emily stared at him in shock, then finally said, “What if my brother wakes up and sees us like this?”

“What’s wrong with him seeing us? We can keep it from others, but do you want to keep it from your family too?” Charlie said it calmly

Emily was silent and didn’t move closer to him.

“Emily, I’m partly responsible for your brother’s situation!” Charlie suddenly said.

Emily looked up at him in surprise and asked, “What?”


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