Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 187

Chapter 187

Chapter 187

Chapter 187

Winnie waved at her, and in the moment the two ships passed by, Estelle saw that Winnie seemed to be wearing a new ruby necklace on her neck.

After dinner, Estelle and Jonathan went back for a nap. In the afternoon, they went fishing by the lake until the sun was about to set. Then, a servant came over to ask Jonathan where to set up for the evening meal.

In the evening, everyone gathered for a meal on the lawn–there was a long table covered with a snow– white tablecloth, silver candelabras, beautiful gold–rimmed bowls and plates, and exquisite dishes With the gentle evening breeze, everyone felt relaxed from the inside out.

As the sun set, the lights around them gradually lit up, and the scent of grilled meat floated in from the distance, mingling with the last glow of sunset in the air

After spending a few days together, they were all familiar with each other, and there was no awkwardness; the atmosphere was delightful.

While Jonathan had his back turned, Winnie slipped Estelle an iced fruit juice. Estelle took a sip and gratefully looked at Winnie.

While chatting with Ben and Schilder, Jonathan suddenly turned his head back and asked softly, “Do you want some iced fruit juice?”

Estelle stiffened for a moment, then smiled and shook her head, casually saying, “No need“”

“Really? Jonathan laughed lightly. “I wanted to be more relaxed with you today, but if you don’t like it, I’ll take it away.”

With that, he reached out and took away the fruit juice in front of Estelle.

Estelle was speechless.

Winnie covered her mouth and laughed, her smile charming and envious.

This man was always paying attention to Estelle, even when talking to others.

Jonathan had someone bring Estelle’s favorite yogurt and said, ‘Eat something before you drink this, and don’t indulge in cold drinks.”

Estelle instantly felt better. If it weren’t for the presence of everyone else, she thought she might have asked for a kiss.

Yeah, the same was true for when they went back tonight.

Baldrick had someone go to a well–known old shop in C City to buy home–brewed wine. Mrs. Macy took a sip and happily nodded, “I haven’t tasted this flavor in a long time.”

Baldrick took the opportunity to say, “Today, I took Winnie to the city, and when I saw this wine, I thought you would love it. I bought a lot, so you can take them when you go back. When you miss your hometown, have a drink to relieve your homesickness.”

Mrs. Macy sincerely thanked him, saying. “Thank you!”

Schilder was also delighted, “Thank you, Mr. Anderson, on behalf of my wife!‘

“You’re welcome. No need to stand on ceremony, Mr. Macy! Baldrick raised his hand and made a toast

Estelle looked at the gemstone necklace on Winnie’s neck and suddenly felt that Baldrick must have had a purpose in giving Winnie jewelry at this time.

Winnie got herself a glass of wine, nodded and smiled, “The taste is excellent, rich and fragrant with a hint of sweetness.”

She looked at Estelle and asked, ‘Estelle, do you want a drink?”

Estelle was about to say yes but suddenly thought of something and looked at Jonathan for confirmation.

Jonathan turned his head and said, “Just one glass.”

Estelle immediately nodded and handed her glass to Winnie, who filled it to the brim.

As the men chatted and laughed, Estelle’s group drank wine and chatted as well. Estelle’s wineglass was always half full because every time she finished drinking. Winnie secretly poured her some more.

Jonathan pretended not to see and indulged Estelle in having a little more to drink today.

Winnie felt that drinking like this wasn’t fun and suggested that the three of them play a game together. Mrs. Macy was enthusiastic and asked, “What kind of game?”

Winnie laughed, “Let’s play ‘Cops and Robbers! We write ‘cop‘ and ‘robber‘ on pieces of paper, and each of us gets one. The person who gets the ‘cop‘ has to guess who has the ‘robber If she guess wrong, shell be punished, but if she guess right, the person with the ‘robber‘ is punished.”


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