Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 1948

Chapter 1948

Chapter 1948

Chapter 1948

”How…how could this happen?”

Looking at the black gas in Dustin’s hand, the people around him were all shocked.

It was fine just now, why was all the spiritual energy swallowed up in the blink of an eye?

Can a wisp of evil energy that is thinner than a hair be so powerful?

”I didn’t expect this thing to be so terrifying. It’s an eye-opener for me today!”

Kevin Snow swallowed, looking a little scared.

Fortunately, Dustin reminded him in time, otherwise once he absorbed the spiritual energy in the Wuling Crystal, he would absorb the evil energy into his body and sow trouble.

When the evil spirit breaks out, it will probably become more fengyao.

”As I expected, this thing… is very ferocious.”

The pressure exerted by Dustin’s fingers became more and more intense, and the black evil spirit wrapped in the energy shield was completely aroused, and it surged crazily. , sprinting, constantly hitting the energy shield, trying to break free.

Faintly, you can even hear a roar, like a wild beast roaring.

Obviously, this evil spirit has become spiritual.

”It’s a pity that such a good treasure has been contaminated by evil spirits. What a waste of nature!”

Kevin Snow sighed, threw all the Wuling Crystals he had snatched in his hand to the ground, and then chopped them into pieces with his feet to prevent evil spirits from harming people. .

”When something goes wrong, there must be a monster. Alexis Walter’s fate should be related to that oasis. We have to be careful next time.” As

Dustin spoke, he clenched his hand suddenly, and the black evil energy in his hand was instantly pinched. It had to explode and completely disappear.

After getting rid of the Wu Ling Jing in their hands, everyone’s eyes turned to Billy Ruso.

Billy Ruso was the first to fight for the Wuling Crystals just now, and now he has accumulated more than forty crystals in his hand, and each one is the size of an egg, and the quality is very good.

All added up, the value is astonishing.

”What are you looking at me for?” Billy Ruso frowned slightly.

”Senior Ruso, these Wuling Crystals contain evil energy and cannot be absorbed at all. You’d better destroy them.” Kevin Snow advised.

”Destroyed? Are you kidding? Do you know how much these Wuling Crystals are worth?” Billy Ruso was a little unhappy.

Regardless of image and face, how can you destroy the treasure you worked so hard to get?

”Senior Ruso, we are doing this for your own good. If you absorb the spiritual energy in the Wuling Crystal, you will probably become more like Alexis Walters, go crazy, and eventually explode and die.” Kevin Snow advised earnestly.

”Yes, Senior Ruso. Although Wu Lingjing is good, life is more important. There is no need to risk it for these extraneous things.” Several Golden Sword disciples also followed suit.

Now that everyone is in the same boat, after entering the oasis, they still count on Billy Ruso to take care of them, so naturally they don’t want anything to happen to the other party.

”Senior Ruso, do you want to sell Wu Lingjing to someone else?”

Seeing that Billy Ruso remained silent, Kevin Snow said suspiciously: “You are highly respected and respected by thousands of people, so you shouldn’t do such harm to others, right? ”

How, how is it possible? Am I that kind of person?!” Billy Ruso immediately retorted.

Although his voice was loud, he felt a little weak inside. He did have the idea just now that he didn’t need it himself and could sell it to others.

Anyway, most people don’t see the clue. As long as they entrust someone to sell it below the market price, they can still make a lot of money.

As for what will happen afterwards and what dangers there are to the person using it, that has nothing to do with him.

Of course, this kind of shady behavior cannot be put on the table.

“Senior Ruso is a generous and righteous person, and he is definitely not a selfish villain. I also believe that with Senior Ruso’s character, he will definitely destroy all these evil items that harm people!” Kevin Snow took advantage of the situation and slapped him in the face. .

Putting on a tall hat made Billy Ruso unable to get off the stage.

“Senior Ruso, these Wuling Crystals are nothing. I believe there are better and more treasures in the oasis. If we lose sesame seeds, we can still find watermelons.” Margaret tried to smooth things over.

Naturally, she could see Billy Ruso’s reluctance. At this time, she could only draw a bigger cake and make the other party compromise.

Otherwise, once these Wuling Crystals are sold, no one knows how many people will be killed.

“Okay, okay, isn’t it just a few Wuling Crystals? If it’s destroyed, it’s destroyed. What’s the big deal? It’s not like I haven’t seen the world.” After some flattery and persuasion, Billy Ruso finally


Destroy all the Wuling Crystals you just grabbed.

“Senior Ruso is so righteous! We admire him!”

Kevin Snow immediately clasped his fists to show his admiration.

“Okay, don’t flatter us. We only have a small half of the Wuling Crystals, and there are still hundreds of them out there, all of which have been divided up by various forces. It’s probably impossible for you to let them destroy the Wuling Crystals. “Billy Ruso said angrily.

“I will notify all parties, explain the serious relationship to them, and save as many people as possible.” Kevin Snow said.

“Do you think this is effective?” Billy Ruso sneered.

People’s hearts are greedy. How can a treasure that was finally obtained be destroyed resolutely just because of a few words from a stranger?

If he hadn’t seen it with his own eyes just now, he wouldn’t have believed that there was any evil hidden in Wu Lingjing.

“Do your best, obey fate, and just have a clear conscience.” Kevin Snow sighed lightly.

He naturally understands that it is not easy to persuade people, but he would not be able to bear it if he did nothing.

“Brother Shi, you let out the news that I am willing to buy Wu Lingjing at a high price. Anyone who has Wu Lingjing can sell it to me. This should be more convincing.” Margaret suddenly spoke.

“Acquisition?” Kevin Snow was stunned and said in surprise: “Miss Li, are you kidding me? All these Wu Lingjings are worth a fortune. Do you want to buy them all?” “I am short of everything, but I am not short of anything

. Money, besides, saving one life is better than building a seven-level pagoda.” Margaret smiled faintly.

“Miss Li is so kind and righteous, Kevin admires her!” Kevin Snow clasped his fists solemnly.

At this moment, he admired the woman in front of him from the bottom of his heart.

He is actually willing to contribute a large amount of property to some unrelated strangers. This noble behavior is really admirable.

He was ashamed of himself.


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