Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 205

Chapter 205

Chapter 205

Chapter 205

“Huh?” Estelle pretended to be surprised.

“It’s kind of an arranged marriage, decided long ago. It just ended two months ago. Jonathan said with a steady and indifferent tone, as if talking about someone else’s business

Estelle asked, “So it was shortly after we got together? Why did it end? Didn’t you like your ex–wife?”

Jonathan found it odd to talk about this with Estelle and didn’t want to say much, so he just said calmly, ‘I never even met the person I married.”

Estelle shrugged, ‘Sounds like a sad story”

Jonathan glanced at her and spoke with a nonchalant tone, “Why be sad? The Macclain family initiated this marriage to navigate a business crisis with the assistance of our Lamont family. There was never any love between us, and I believe she understood that our union was destined to come to an end sooner or later”

Estelle thought for a moment and slowly nodded, “You’re right, you and Miss Macclain were just not meant to be.”

Jonathan grinned slightly, “Besides, I never thought about getting married.”

“Why? Aren’t your parents in a good relationship?‘ Estelle asked. She thought that people from dysfunctional families are usually the ones who reject marriage.

Jonathan nodded slowly, “My father doesn’t love my mother‘

Estelle appeared perplexed. During her previous visits to the Lamont family, Geoffrey Lamont had come across as serious and reserved, not very talkative. However, he always showed great respect towards his wife, who exuded a sense of gentleness and elegance, contradicting the image of a neglected spouse that Estelle had imagined.

Yet, Jonathan seemed unwilling to delve further into his parents‘ relationship. He simply took a sip of his tea and regarded her with a subtle smile. “Isn’t it wonderful for both of us to maintain the current state of affairs?” he suggested.

Estelle looked serious and asked, “What if one day, you meet someone you like?”

What she really wanted to ask was, what if the girl named Yvonne would come back someday?

Jonathan played with the rim of his teacup and said calmly. “Just because you like someone doesn’t mean you have to get married.”


Estelle looked up at the sky, the purple vines were dense, allowing her to see stars only through tiny gaps. She joked, “You should thank your eldest brother then,

and thank his wife for giving birth to Henson and Norah, so your mother won’t keep nagging at you to get married”

Jonathan laughed, “You’ve been watching too many soap operas, haven’t you?”

Estelle raised an eyebrow, “Are you saying you’ve watched them too?”

Jonathan wore a helpless expression. ‘My mom enjoys watching them, so I’ve been reluctantly exposed to a few scenes.”

Estelle couldn’t help but stifle a laugh, particularly when she considered the soap opera storylines.

She believed that despite whatever secrets the Lamont family may have, the individuals within the family were genuinely good. Jonathan and his eldest brother

had a strong bond. One pursued research while the other managed the family business. There were no malicious feuds over inheritance, and the entire family lived in harmony.


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