Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 211

Chapter 211

Chapter 211

Chapter 211

The cop chuckled and said, “Yes, we’ve already checked. The house is under Mr. Dulle’s name.”

He then looked puzzled and asked, “Doesn’t Ms. Sullivan know who the owner of the house is?”

Emily’s eyes widened, and she couldn’t react for a moment!

The house belonged to Charlie?

Estelle had said it was Jonathan’s friend’s house. Could it be that Jonathan’s friend was actually Charlie?


Charlie was also taken aback and asked the police, “Are you saying that Ms. Sullivan is living in my house?”

The cop was even more puzzled, saying, “You didn’t know either?”

This was quite interesting. The tenant didn’t know who the landlord was, and the landlord didn’t know who lived in his house. Then, the landlord entered the house, and the tenant mistook him for a thief and attacked him. And they even called the police!

This story could become a hot topic if it went viral.

Charlie finally understood the situation. Jonathan had called him earlier, saying he had a friend who needed to stay in his house. He rarely went back to the Royal Mansion, so he didn’t think much about it

It occurred to him that he once saw Emily and Estelle hanging out together, so it made sense for Jonathan to help Emily find a place to live.

With this realization, everything made sense!

Last night, he indeed had a bit too much to drink, and Reef brought him back to the Royal Mansion. He completely forgot that someone was living there. And then, she mistook him for a thief

With the misunderstanding cleared up, the police assured both parties that they’d handle the medical expenses and compensation, and then the case was closed The cop comforted both sides before leaving

Once the police left, the real awkwardness began!

Emily cautiously approached Charlie and asked. “Mr. Dulle, would you like some water?”

Charlie looked at her calmly and asked, “Will drinking water heal the wound on my head?”

Emily felt quilty Regardless of what kind of person Charlie was, or what the relationship between him and Noreen was, she had no grudges against him. She was living in his house and somehow injured him, which was entirely her fault

So, she sincerely apologized, Tm sorry!”

She didn’t try to explain her actions. Her apology was genuine, and any explanation would seem useless in comparison.

“I’ll cover all of your medical expenses. I’ll move out of your house night away. If you have any other requests, just let me know. I’ll do what I can!” Emily said sincerely

Charlie looked at her with a raised eyebrow and asked, “You can afford the medical bill?”

Emily thought for a moment and answered honestly, Tve saved some money. It should cover it.”

“Are you a student?”


“What about your tuition if you give me the money?”

Emily pursed her lips and didn’t say anything.

“You don’t have to pay for the medical bill. Charlie closed his eyes tiredly. “And you don’t have to move out of the Royal Mansion.”

Emily looked up in surprise and asked, “Why?”

Charlie opened his eyes and found her quite interesting. He said, “Who’s going to take care of me if you move out? Even a minor concussion requires at least a week. of bed rest. You take care of me, and we’ll call it even.”

Emily thought for a moment and felt that this was quite lenient for her. She agreed readily and said, “Fine, I’ll take care of you, Mr. Dulle. I used to take care of my grandma, and she passed away peacefully I’ll take care of you just like I did for her”

Charlie didn’t know how to reply

He wasn’t quite ready to die yet.


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