Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 214

Chapter 214

Chapter 214

Chapter 214

Charlie noticed her embarrassment and suggested, “How about you help me get in there, and once we’re in, I’ll take care of it myself?* “Alright Emily went over, carefully helping the man to his feet, and asked him, ‘Do you feel dizzy? Wanna puke?”

“Don’t talk!” Charlie stood up and waited for the dizziness to pass before speaking.

Emily immediately shut up

“Let’s go!” After a while, Charlie finally spoke. He leaned most of his body weight on Emily as she supported him towards the bathroom.

The man was a head taller than Emily, and she struggled to hold his body close to hers, one hand around his waist and the other on his arm draped over her shoulder

Both were very close, almost embracing each other, but Emily had no romantic thoughts in her mind, only concerned about Charlie’s discomfort.

Once in the bathroom, there was a moment of silence between them, unsure of what to do next.

After a few seconds of silence, Emily asked in a low voice, “Can you take off your pants?”

Tll try!” Charlie said, unusually serious.

Emily’s face turned red, “Then I’ll turn around, and you can try it by yourself. If you can’t do it, I’ll help you!”

“Okay” Charlie agreed readily.

Emily assisted Charlie in standing in front of the toilet, and to their surprise, the lid opened automatically. Once Charlie felt steady, Emily quickly turned around to give him privacy

Amused by her embarrassment, Charlie couldn’t suppress a grin as he began to slowly remove his pajama pants.

Emily, her anxiety evident in her voice, stammered. “Um, can you manage on your own? Her back remained turned towards him.

“I should be fine. You can step out first,” Charlie assured, acknowledging the slightly awkward nature of the situation.

“Oh Relieved, Emily immediately ran out and closed the door with a loud bang.

The loud noise startled Charlie, almost causing him to fall into the toilet. He muttered to himself, what an impatient girl!

Emily was waiting outside the door, feeling embarrassed, at a loss, and a little panicked. If she had known she’d have to help him use the bathroom, she wouldn’t have agreed so readily

After a while, she suddenly heard him call her, “Emily!”


“I’m here!‘ Emily immediately responded, and asked through the door, “What’s up?”

Charlies voice was normal, “I can’t get up!”

Emily was speechless

She imagined the situation in the bathroorn: Charlie sitting on the toilet unable to get up, meaning she would have to go in and help him, and most importantly, he hadn’t wore his pants yet….

“Emily, are you still alive? The man couldn’t hear her and asked again, not in a questioning tone, rather just out of curiosity.

The calmer his tone, the angrier Emily became. Did he think she had already died within a few seconds? Could she just drop dead suddenly?

Emily walked over to the door, put her hand on the handle, and warned him, “I’m corning in!”

The man didn’t reply

“I’m coming in?‘ Emily asked tentatively again.

Charlie gave an amused smile and said, “Do you want me to get you a pass first?”

Emily silently stuck out her tongue and pushed the door open.

The man was still sitting on the toilet, dressed in black silk pajamas, calmly watching her.

At least his top covered things, so she didn’t see anything. Even so, Emily only glanced at him before quickly turning her head away, secretly admiring the man’s composure.

In other words, thick–skinned!

She slowly moved aver, her eyes darting left and right, up and down, but never at him!

Then she grabbed his arm, trying to lift him up.

The man smiled and said, “I’m the one being seen, and I’m the embarrassed one. Why are you embarrassed?”

Emily’s face flushed crimson, resembling a ripe apple, as she stammered, “Please, be quick!”

Charlie chuckled, undeterred. “Just imagine yourself as a nurse and me as a patient, and it won’t be a big deal.”

With that perspective in mind, Emily found a sense of reassurance. Nurses in hospitals witness such situations regularly, so she could simply consider herself as fulfilling a nurse’s duty!

Feeling more composed, she refrained from turning around to face him and instead inquired, “Have you managed to put your parts on?”


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