Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 273

Chapter 273

Chapter 273

Chapter 273

The loading and unloading at the dock were done by machines, but there were also some carriers nearby who help with moving valuable goods or keeping an eye on them.

The people Austin hired were from the cargo company, and they were mostly lazy bums who hung around the pier and would do anything for


Before even entering the pier, two groups could be seen confronting each other from afar. The opposing group was likely the workers of the carrying company, shirtless with tattoos, holding wooden sticks, and having a l–don’t–care attitude with menacing looks.

Jonathan’s crew was obviously much more composed, fit, and cold.

Three people were lying on the ground, seemingly from the carrying company.

As the car stopped, Jonathan asked Estelle to wait in the car, and he stepped out.

Millard and Brooks were present, and as they saw Jonathan, they stepped forward and simultaneously greeted him, “Mr. Lamont!”

Jonathan approached them with a cold and handsome look on his face. The whole confrontation scene instantly turned tenser. He spoke in a heavy voice, “Which one of you is Xavier?”

A tall man with a casual dress sense and sharp eyes stepped up from the crowd and said in a hoarse voice, “That’s me!”

Jonathan looked at him coldly, “If you don’t want your company to disappear, don’t be the first to make a reckless move!”

Xavier, with a stubble on his chin and a scar at the corner of his eye that made him seem fierce, replied, “Mr. Lamont of the Lamont Group, I’ve heard so much about you! I know your capability and position in J City. I don’t want to offend you, but Austin has helped me before, and I have to repay him. Brotherhood comes first in the gang world!“!

He glanced at the people lying on the ground, “I made the trouble for Mr. Lamont first, and I accept the punishment for my brothers. But please, Mr. Lamont, give me a break. I promised Austin that I’d get his goods on shore. Once they’re on shore and leave the pier, you can do whatever you want, you can even destroy them. It won’t be my concern anymore!”

Jonathan’s face remained expressionless, showing neither joy nor anger, “And what if I don’t give you that chance?”

With a casual laugh, Xavier took out a long knife from behind his waist and said, “Well, there’s no choice then. The toughest one gets to call the


Millard asked without emotion, “Is Austin worth sacrificing all your brothers for?”

“No!” Xavier scoffed, “But that’s the rule of the underworld. I owe him a favor, and I promised I would repay it, so I must do this!”

Millard’s expression got even grimmer, “I hope Austin will at least cover your funeral expenses when the time comes!”

After saying that, Millard signaled to the people around him, and Xavier’s crew took out their wooden sticks as well.

Just when the tension was about to snap, a gentle voice came from behind the crowd, “Uncle!”

Everyone turned to an unfamiliar girl who had come with Jonathan, and they quickly parted to let her through.

Jonathan frowned and ordered, “Get back in the car!”

Instead of responding to Jonathan, Estelle turned her eyes on Xavier, “Do you guys really have to fight to the death for something so trivial?”

The moment Xavier saw Estelle, his eyes widened, and he froze.

“Listen to me, go back to the car and wait for me,” Jonathan held her hand.

Estelle shifted her gaze to Jonathan, “If you guys have to fight, can I at least stay and watch the show?”

Jonathan furrowed his eyebrows, his voice deepened, “Don’t make a fuss, behave!”

She didn’t respond, but just looked at Xavier across from them.


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