Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 275

Chapter 275

Chapter 275

Chapter 275

Inside a shabby office, there were a few people lying around chatting. Deeper in the office, there was a broken desk, and a man was leaning against a sofa behind it.

Seeing Estelle, a few people stood up and recognized her as the woman with Jonathan earlier. They sneered, “How did this beauty find her way


Others chimed in,

“Must be that she’s got a thing for our Xavier, and followed him secretly!”

“Nah, I bet it’s Jonathan trying to apologize to our Xavier, and sent her over as a peace offering!”


Estelle kept her face cold, not even looking at them’ and went straight ahead.

A man with a black flower tattoo on his arm reached out to touch Estelle’s face, “You’re quite a looker, girl. Wanna play with me first?”

Estelle suddenly grabbed the man’s wrist, and with a “crack” sound, his hand was dislocated and hung down at a twisted angle.

“Ahh!” The man screamed, backing away while holding his wrist.

The others‘ faces changed, they all stood up, and the joking atmosphere was gone. They all fiercely stared at Estelle and started gathering around her.


Xavier smashed a bottle on the table and glared at them coldly, “Get out, all of you!”

Everyone hesitated, looking at Xavier with resentment, “Xavier! She hurt Lee!”

“Go treat his wound! The rest of you, get out!” Xavier yelled with a stern face.

The group exchanged glances, although suspicious, they didn’t dare to say anything more. They left one by one, and the last person even closed the door.

Xavier walked over, his wild eyes fixed on Estelle, and coldly asked, “What are you doing here?”

Estelle inquired, “So this is the life you’ve been living?”

Xavier laughed sarcastically, lit a cigarette, and said with a disdainful and cold expression, “What’s it got to do with you? Who are you to interfere in my business?”

Estelle’s face remained cold, “I know you hate me, but you don’t have to go and ruin yourself like this!”

“Hate you?” Xavier stared at her coldly and chuckled, “Don’t flatter yourself. The life I choose has nothing to do with anyone!”

Estelle’s voice trembled, “We survived because of their sacrifice. If you mess up your life, their sacrifices mean nothing!”

“Don’t mention them!” Xavier suddenly roared, his face turning pale, and his hand holding the cigarette trembling, “What right do you have to bring them up? You shed no tears when they died. If you did not see me today, you’d have long forgotten all of us!”

He approached Estelle and grabbed her by the front of her clothes. “Shadow took more than ten bullets for you, his guts were spilling out, and Tyrannosaurus took the bullets that were meant for your head. All of them died because of you!”

Estelle’s eyes turned red, and she said slowly, “I know. I have never forgotten this, not even for a moment!”

He inhaled deeply, his voice becoming more choked, “You know what? I didn’t even hate you when I found out the truth. We vowed to live and die together. Even if we die for you, we wouldn’t say no. But despite all the years we spent fighting together and the life–or–death moments we shared, you were just too cold! Stella, do you have feelings? Do you even feel any normal human emotions?”

He threw Estelle away with a powerful force, his face twisted in rage and eyes bulging with fury!

Estelle’s body slammed into the old sofa nearby, her head hitting a beer bottle, and her vision became blurred. All she could see was blood – it was the blood of the people that she cared about the most, but she couldn’t shed a single tear.

In her daze, her stepmother’s face appeared amidst the blood, grabbing her head and smashing it against the wall repeatedly, “Why don’t you cry when I beat you, you emotionless piece of trash! Why don’t you just die?”

Yeah, why didn’t she die? Why didn’t she die when her stepmother beat her, or when Tyrannosaurus and Shadow sacrificed themselves for her?


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