Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 278

Chapter 278

Chapter 278

Chapter 278

Estelle looked up at him with blurred eyes, “Honestly, if I got into a fight, it would be impossible to only get this small wound.” Jonathan checked her up and down again, indeed there were no other injuries, “How did you slip all of a sudden?”

“Don’t make a big fuss, isn’t it quite normal to slip accidentally?” Estelle said drowsily, holding onto his shoulders, “Go to sleep now!” “You really don’t make things easy for me!” Jonathan chuckled softly, took a towel, wrapped her in it and carried her to the bedroom.

Estelle nestled in his arms, her eyelashes quivered for a moment, then slowly settled down.

As soon as she was in bed, she quickly fell asleep. The wind started blowing outside, and the room was pitch dark.

In a daze, she found herself once again in that abandoned factory. It was two in the morning, not a single star in the sky, everything was shrouded

in darkness.

This time, the mission was to rescue a kidnapped child. They were a team of seven, armed and quietly infiltrated the abandoned oil pipe factory.

Twenty people were guarding inside the factory, lightly armed, which should have made the mission relatively easy for them.

The seven of them were not negligent. They had surveyed the terrain and the enemy’s firepower in advance, and made plans. Bat went to sabotage the surveillance, Wolf and Sniper sneaked in from the rear, Stella and the other three launched a frontal sneak attack to rescue the


Their team had always worked seamlessly together, having handled dozens of missions over the years without a single failure.

Stella was the youngest, skinny but also the most agile. She jumped down from the roof, and swiftly and accurately handled the two guards stationed outside the perimeter with her knife. Silently and effortlessly, she brought them down with her sharp knife, the only sound being the faint piercing of the blade into their bodies.

The other three quickly followed. Just as they were about to proceed, Bat, who was on surveillance duty, ran over in a hurry, “Quick, retreat, it’s a trap!”

The expressions on Stella and the others‘ faces changed instantly. Tyrannosaurus beside her asked coldly, “Where are Wolf and Sniper?”

Before Bat could answer, gunshots had already sounded overhead. The five of them quickly looked for cover, but they were already caught in an inescapable trap.

Heavy machine guns fired overhead as they fell back again and again. The figures in the firelight were coming towards them. Stella and her teammates covered each other’s retreat, but their hearts were filled with dread. There were so many people and so many heavy machine guns, it was nothing like the situation that they had detected before.

They were forced into a warehouse. The door was blasted apart, everywhere was filled with gunfire and blinding light.

They were strong, having experienced dozens of big and small battles. But they were human after all, and when faced with an enemy force ten times stronger, they could also be shot, injured, killed!

Shadow was the first to die in front of Stella. Stella went crazy, grabbed someone to use as a shield, and fired her machine gun wildly at the approaching enemies.

But there were so many enemies, they just couldn’t kill them all!

Suddenly, a sniper aimed at Stella. Tyrannosaurus threw himself over, but the bullet passed through his head, sending him flying out.

“We’ve been betrayed!”

Wolf and Sniper broke through the encirclement and rushed in, creating a bloody path trying to get the remaining few out.

But the enemies didn’t give them a chance to breathe. Wolf’s stomach was blown open, blood splattered on Stella’s eyelids, and everything in front of her turned red.


“Wake up!”

Estelle’s eyes snapped open, staring straight at the ceiling, which was also red. In the sea of blood were the faces of Wolf and Tyrannosaurus as they fell.

Jonathan turned on the bedside lamp. Under the dim light, he saw the madness and fear in Estelle’s eyes. He immediately held her in his arms and comforted her softly, “Baby, wake up!”

Having a nightmare?”

“Don’t be afraid, I’m here!”


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