Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 280

Chapter 280

Chapter 280

Chapter 280

The taxi driver dropped him off at the address, sounding extra friendly, “Do you know the Lamont family?”

“What?” Nicolas was taken aback.

“Nothing. Be careful when getting off the car.” The driver was very polite.

Nicolas paid the fare and walked across the road filled with flowers on both sides. The closer he got, the more surprised he was. The villa across the street had a huge yard, filled with a variety of plants. Through the black fence, he could see the garden–like scenery in the yard. Walking up to the front of the villa, he saw a beautiful house hidden behind a cluster of low red maple trees.

Did Norah go crazy?

Renting such a big villa must cost at least ten thousand a day, right?

While Nicolas was surprised, he couldn’t help but feel a little excited. Norah went through so much trouble to spite him, so she must still care

about him!


Some of Norah’s classmates arrived, and one of them named Lillie, shouted his name and ran over.

They exchanged greetings, and Lillie laughed, “Nicolas, were you waiting for us here?”

Nicolas smiled awkwardly.

Another girl named Khloe looked inside the villa gate, “This villa is so luxurious, it must have cost a lot just to rent the yard!”

“No kidding, Nicolas, you must be rolling in dough now!” another classmate teased Nicolas.

Nicolas just laughed awkwardly.

“Look at that!” Lillie pointed to the sign on the villa and read, “The Lamont Mansion.”

Khloe sighed, “They even have a sign up, looks so professional!”

The group chatted noisily when suddenly someone came over from the yard.

The door opened, and an elderly man with gray hair, wearing a fitted suit and a black bow tie appeared in front of everyone, smiling warmly, “Are you the young lady’s classmates? Please come in!”

Lillie and the others looked at each other and walked in, whispering, “The service is so good and professional. I’ll have my birthday here too!” Lillie turned to Nicolas, “Nicolas, how much did it cost you to rent this villa for Norah?”

Khloe laughed, “Nicolas is about to get promoted, he makes five figures! He must have spent a lot!”

Feeling weird inside, Nicolas casually responded before following the old man into the villa.

“Look, there’s a swimming pool too!”

“There’s even a greenhouse in the garden. Can we go in and take a look later?”

“The lawn is also very clean; we can play here later!”

They were all excited, and when they reached the entrance of the villa, servants were waiting outside to open the door for them.

Upon entering, more servants brought slippers for them to change into. They followed the servant towards the living room, looking around in awe. Once they sat down on the sofa, and when a servant came to ask if they wanted juice or coffee, they all looked at each other and fell silent.

They chose the juice, and after the servant left, Lillie whispered, “This… doesn’t seem to be a rental!”

Nicolas‘ face changed slightly, as he had also noticed that the decoration and furnishings inside the villa, as well as the natural and busy demeanor of the servants, did not look like a temporary arrangement, all of which seemed to be the way it was.

“If it’s not rented, is this Norah’s house?” Khloe’s eyes widened.

As they were all at a loss, a girl’s beautiful figure walked down the stairs, “You guys are all here, I’m sorry, I was helping Estelle to choose clothes just, now, and I totally lost track of time. Sorry I didn’t pick you up at the door!”


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