Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 299

Chapter 299

Chapter 299

Chapter 299

Estelle shook her head, “No worries! By the way, may I ask you about something?”

“Ain’t I tell you to call me Charlie? If you call me Charlie, Jonathan might just get pissed, but if you’re so polite to me, he’ll seriously get mad at me!” Charlie joked, pointing at the couch, “What’s up? Sit down and talk!”

Estelle sat on the small couch and took out a card, putting it in front of Charlie, “Here’s a hundred grand that I’m returning on Emily’s behalf.”

Charlie looked surprised at the card on the table, then laughed, “Estelle, what is this all about?”

Estelle immediately said, “I just think Emily’s working too hard, so I wanted to return the money for her. It has nothing to do with Jonathan or our


Charlie leaned back on the couch, his face elegant, “You and Emily are friends, so you must know her well. If she agreed, I wouldn’t even ask her to pay back this hundred grand. So what’s the point in me accepting your money? If I say she doesn’t have to pay it back, would she listen? If I say you paid it off for her, she’ll definitely try to return the money to you!”

He paused and continued, “Or maybe you think she doesn’t need to worry about repaying you, so she doesn’t need to push herself so hard. But I think she’ll still do the same thing!”

Estelle lowered her eyes, knowing Charlie was right. Emily was stubborn and honest, and even if she owed her money, she’d force herself to pay it back as soon as possible.

“With her personality, she wouldn’t accept charity from others, which is actually a good thing. Once she enters society, at least she won’t lose out in this aspect!” Charlie spoke slowly. “It might be difficult for her to accept the hundred grand, but I think I can help her find an easier job.”

Estelle looked up. “Really?”

Charlie asked, “What major did she study at university?”

Estelle answered, “She studies architectural design at Technical University of J City!”

Charlie was somewhat surprised, not expecting Emily, a young girl, to study this major. He nodded, “I see. I’m going abroad tomorrow for about five or six days, and when I come back, I’ll help her out!”

Estelle’s eyes sparkled, and her tone couldn’t help but lighten up. “Thank you, Charlie!”

“No need to be so polite with me!” Charlie pushed the card on the table towards her, “Take this back!”

As Estelle reached out to take the card, she heard a familiar male voice, “What are you doing?

She turned her head and saw Jonathan slowly walking over, his face hidden in the dim light, his expression unclear.

Charlie leaned sideways and laughed, “I took Estelle as my sister and gave her some money!”

Jonathan came up and sat down between the two, looking at the card in Estelle’s hand, and almost laughed, “You think I’d believe that?”

She hadn’t spent the money he’d given her, so why would she take Charlie’s money?

Estelle put away the card and said gently. “I wanted to help Emily pay back her debt, but Brother Charlie didn’t accept

Jonathan’s face darkened, and he glanced at Charlie, “He’s even fit to be a brother?”

Charlie snickered, “Why ain’t I fit to be a brother? Today, if Estelle calls me bro, I’ll have her back wherever she goes!”

“Does she need that?” Jonathan scoffed.

Charlie signaled to Estelle with his eyes, implying he was right about his earlier complaint!

Estelle’s face turned slightly red, and she smiled with pursed lips.

Seeing the two exchanging glances, Jonathan became even more unhappy, scolding Charlie, “I’m still here, put away that cheap look of yours!”


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