Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 324

Chapter 324

Chapter 324

Chapter 324

It was already 1 a.m. when she went to bed, and the sheets still had the scent of that man. Estelle. couldn’t help but grab her phone and text him: “It was my bad for lying to ya. Sorry, but he’s just a


Estelle, assuming he was already asleep at that hour, was taken aback when a response arrived swiftly Her complexion paled as she hastily grabbed her phone and read the message: “No need for explanations, our relationship doesn’t require them.”

During their encounter at the hospital, Jonathan’s words had wounded Estelle. However, as she returned to the Royal Mansion, the memories of their past interactions replayed in her mind. She couldn’t help but consider the possibility that his earlier words were spoken in the heat of anger.

She gathered the courage to make amends, yet his tone was cold and distant.

He was right. She had misread their relationship and her position. She’d mistaken kindness for deep affection.

The next day, Estelle stayed in the room all day. She hadn’t finished editing the thesis outline for someone else and wanted to focus on completing it. However, she kept getting lost in her thoughts, and there was little progress by the afternoon.

In the evening, she went back to work at the Midnight Bar.

Charlie saw Estelle in the hallway and immediately beamed, greeting her, “Estelle, when did ya get back?”

Estelle gave a warm smile, “Just today.”

“Resolved everything at home already? If you just got back, feel free to take a few more days off,” Charlie said with concern.

“No worries. Charlie, you up for drinks tonight? I’ll send y’all a few bottles later,” Estelle offered politely.

After chatting with Charlie for a bit, he went back into the room and immediately called Jonathan, “Estelle’s back. You coming tonight?”

“Nope,” said Jonathan coldly before hanging up.

Charlie stared at the disconnected call, puzzled. What was going on?

Realizing Jonathan’s previous attitude, it dawned on him that Jonathan seemed pissed, actually!

When Estelle brought the drinks, Charlie dismissed everyone else and invited Estelle to sit down. “What’s up? Did you and Jonathan have a fight?”

Estelle spoke calmly, “Nah, just a lil’ misunderstanding on my part.”

Charlie looked at her thoughtfully and replied with a faint smile, “Jonathan seems irritable, but he really cares about ya. If he said something, don’t take it to heart.”

Estelle just nodded, silent.

Charlie observed Estelle’s clear gaze and decided not to press further. “Don’t worry. He tends to overthink things. He’ll be fine after a few days.”

“Alright!” Estelle stood up. “Enjoy yourselves, Charlie. If you need anything, just give me a call!”

“Of course Charlie replied.

Estelle returned to the cafeteria and sought out Mamie. “Sienna, who was in charge of the sixth floor, has some personal matters to attend to. She asked me to cover her shift, so I won’t be coming up to the eighth floor for a while.”

Mamie appeared surprised. “But if you’re on the sixth floor, who will take care of Mr. Lamont’s room?”

“Someone else can handle it,” Estelle responded nonchalantly.

Mamie was hesitant. “You go to the sixth floor first. If Mr. Lamont comes, you can go back up.”

Estelle agreed and grabbed her stuff for the sixth floor.

Upon reaching the sixth floor, Estelle was responsible for room 6616. When she entered with the drinks, the customers were having a meeting and asked, “Why the switch in staff?”

Addison, who came with Estelle, quickly explained, “Estelle is a waitress from the eighth floor. Sienna’s got something going on at home so she was called here on short notice.”


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