Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 331

Chapter 331

Chapter 331

Chapter 331

The man frowned, “Hawk Organization almost wiped out Triceratops two years ago, but there’s been no muvement for a year now, it shouldn’t be them!” Mr. Greco didn’t say anything with a gloomy face.

Room 6616 only ordered drinks once, and the people inside left at 10.30 Estelle didn’t have any other business, so she went back to the Royal Mansion early

The next day, Estelle arrived at the Lamont family at 9 o’clock, and it was already bustling

Professional decorators were arranging the garden and lawn. The whole place had a gray-blue theme, with all kinds of elements that boys would love.

Henson invited some of his friends from school, and the family invited guests, so there were many people on the lawn and in the living room.

The servant led Estelle in. In the living room, groups of people clustered around the guests invited by the Lamont family. Estelle scanned the room but didn’t see Jonathan.

Janice noticed Estelle and quickly came over, leading her to the guests, introducing. “This is Henson’s tutor, Ms. Macclain. She’s the reason Henson did so well on his exams.”

Among the guests were Henson’s classmates’ parents, all big shots from J City. Normally they wouldn’t give a crap about a tutor, but due to the Lamont family connection, they were particularly polite to Estelle, “Miss Macclain is beautiful and talented, a rare find!”

“Which tutoring company does Ms. Macclain work for? Do you have time next semester to teach my son as well?”

“My daughter’s teacher isn’t great, I want to get her a new tutor too. I’ll join Ms. Macclain’s list as well.”

Estelle politely declined, “I’m sorry, I’m not a formal tutor from a company, I’m still in school, so I don’t have much time. I apologize.”

A few parents showed regretful expressions,

“Such a shame, we just don’t have the luck!”

“What a pity!”

“We can wait until Ms. Macclain graduates too!”

Norah came over and took Estelle away, laughing, “once those parents start talking, they won’t stop, let’s go outside.”

On the lawn, Henson’s friends were playing darts. Estelle went over and Henson immediately came to her, “Why did you just get here?”

Estelle raised an eyebrow, “Am I late?”

Henson wanted to show off his dart skills in front of Estelle.

Estelle gave him the gift she brought, “Happy birthday!”

Henson complained about her down-to-earth blessing and said, “Didn’t I tell you not to prepare a




Before he could finish, he saw the bow and arrow in the box, his eyes lighting up

He took out the bow and arrow, lovingly checking it out, “Where did you get this?”

Estelle smiled. Do you like it?”

Henson grinned, “It’s alright.”

He clearly loved it!

Norah called Estelle from a distance, “Estelle, come over!”

She had invited her classmates that they had met before, and since they were all around the same age, they got along well.

Henson waved Estelle away to play, while he took the bow and arrow she gave him to show off to his friends!

By the time it was almost noon, Jonathan drove back. Seeing the Harper family in the living room, he greeted them with a lukewarm expression.

He sat down on the sofa in the living room, and Mrs. Lamont came over, smiling, “We thought you wouldn’t be back until tonight.”

Jonathan said, “I was afraid Henson would be upset, so I came back early.”

Mrs. Lamont asked, “Did you see Matthew?”

Jonathan got himself a cup of water and nodded lightly, “It’s been a long time since I’ve seen him. He’s grown taller and more mature.”

Mrs. Lamont nodded and smiled, “Your sister-in-law wants to introduce Ms. Macclain to Matthew.”


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