Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 333

Chapter 333

Chapter 333

Chapter 333

Estelle said casually, “I don’t really read much of this stuff either.”

“You just help him find a few books, and you’ll be doing me a favor Janice said with a warm smile, “I have guests downstairs, you two chat first, I’ll be back soon!”

After saying that, Janice patted Estelle’s shoulder and turned to leave.

Matthew Harper shyly nodded at Estelle, “Sorry for the trouble, Ms. Macclain!”

Estelle smiled and walked over to help him find a book, casually asking, “Do you have any favorite authors, Mr. Harper? Do you prefer essays or novels?”

Matthew laughed, “You don’t have to call me Mr. Harper. You and Norah are classmates, so you can just call me by my name. I also graduated from the University of J City.”

Estelle nodded.

Matthew continued, “I don’t really dig poetry, if there’s any literary novels, you can recommend one for me.”

As Estelle was browsing the shelves, she saw a novel by Sophocles and took out one of his masterpieces, “Oedipus Rex”. She then asked, “How about this one?.”

“That’s fine, looks interesting.” Matthew said modestly, taking the book from Estelle, “Thank you.”

He held the book and invited Estelle, “Ms. Macclain, please have a seat over here.”

He poured a cup of tea for Estelle and said politely, “I’ve heard about you from my aunt before. She said you’re very capable, not only controlling Henson but also improving his grades a lot.”

Estelle replied calmly, “Henson is actually quite sensible. He’s just occasionally willful to get his parents’ attention. All Mrs. Lamont really needs to do is spend more time with Henson.”

Matthew nodded in agreement, “My aunt and uncle are both very busy with work, traveling a lot, and indeed neglecting Henson.”

Estelle nodded, “Well, I won’t bother you with your reading anymore. I’ll leave first!”

“Don’t go yet!” Matthew hurriedly said, then awkwardly laughed, “I’m sorry.”

Estelle looked at him, puzzled.

Matthew appeared a bit embarrassed, “Actually, my aunt intentionally brought us here, and I think you can probably guess why.”

Estelle was a bit shocked, her eyes widening slightly.

Matthew shrugged helplessly, “Consider this a special kind of blind date. I’m really sorry we didn’t tell you beforehand.”

Estelle frowned, her face getting paler.

Matthew apologized with a smile and said honestly, “I was a well-behaved kid in school, and I’d blush when I talked to girls. There were very few girls at work, so I’ve never been in a relationship. My grandma’s a bit anxious about it and urging me to find a girlfriend. My aunt really likes you and

but she thought blind dates are old-fashioned and worried we wouldn’t accept


It. So, she just wanted us to get to know each other first. She meant no harm, please don’t take it to heart.”

At first, Estee felt a bit uncomfortable, but Matthew seemed sincere, and it seemed Janice just did it because sivked her. So, that uncomfortable feeling faded quickly, and she felt more like it was absurd.

Legally speaking, she could already be considered as Matthew’s elder.

The thought made her find the situation even more amusing.

She couldn’t tell the truth, but simply said, “Sorry but we don’t have a chance to be together!”


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