Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 337

Chapter 337

Chapter 337

Chapter 337

Alcott said Jonathan isn’t feeling well, let’s have some cake first, and I’ll go check on him later.”

Henson was che to Jonathan, and he was a little unhappy that he hadn’t come. He made his birthday wish with a poker face and then started cutting the cake.

He personally cut a piece with lots of chocolate for Estelle and whispered, “The chocolate cake is specially for you.”

Estelle cracked a smile, “Thanks, and happy birthday!”

Estelle went to sit on a bench, slowly eating the cake. Some people were horsing around on the lawn. and smearing cake on Henson’s body, and eventually, Norah and the others joined in as well.

Only Estelle didn’t participate and just focused on eating her cake.

Janice saw Estelle sitting alone, signaling Matthew to go over.

Matthew brought his cake and sat next to her, smiling gently, “You heard love sweets, do you want my piece?”

Estelle had already finished the cake on her plate. She took Matthew’s piece and continued to eat, lowering her head and saying, “Thank you!”

Matthew’s gaze softened a bit, “So naughty of them, such a precious cake not being eaten, and only being played with. What a waste!”

Estelle swallowed the cake in her mouth and said indifferently, “Because they’ve never starved


Matthew chuckled, “Have you starved?”

Estelle hung her head, her voice emotionless, “Many times.”

Matthew looked surprised and said, seeing that she really enjoyed the cake, “I’ll get some more for you later!”

Estelle looked up, her face calm, and shook her head, “No thanks, I’m full!”

Matthew’s heart thumped when he saw her serious “full” expression, he couldn’t help but soften his voice, “How can you be full when you haven’t even had the main meal?”

Estelle put her plate on the table, “Sorry, I have to go now!”

She didn’t say anything else and went to find Henson to say goodbye.

Henson’s face was smeared with cake, looking all serious but funny, “Leaving so soon? We have more activities tonight!”

“I have something to do. You guys have fun!” Estelle said with a shallow smile, “Enjoy!”

“I’ll get the driver to send you back!” Henson said immediately.

“It’s okay, I can just take a taxi back. You’re celebrating your birthday today, everyone’s waiting for you, go and have fun!” Estelle said and turned to find Janice and Norah. After saying goodbye to them separately, she left the Lamont family.


ready calmed down. She went to the balcony.


his point with Jonathan.

heir relationship, but their conversation only

‘r speak recklessly.

to play some games until the sky gradually

wash her face. She then changed into another


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