Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 343

Chapter 343

Chapter 343

Chapter 343

Manley choked on a piece of cake, his eyes turning red, looking weak and wronged

Estelle read the book for a while before her phone buzzed with a new message. She picked it up and saw that it was from Hans.

“Ella, I received the king autograph you sent me, and my sister saw it too. She’s insisting that it’s fake”

Estelle replied, “It’s alright.”

“I think her copy is the fake one. She even posted it on her social media to show off.”

Manley peeked over, “Who are you chatting with?”

Estelle glanced at him, “Wanna get beat up again?”

Manley’s face went stern, and he sat up straight.

Estelle continued chatting with Hans for a bit, then put her phone down and went back to reading her book. The atmosphere between the two was surprisingly harmonious.

On Thursday at noon, Estelle was about to head out when she received a call from Sallie. The first

my brother?” thing Sallie did was accuse her, “Estelle, how much money did you scam from

Estelle frowned, “What?”

“I’m asking you how much you scammed from my brother with a fake KING autograph?” Sallie’s tone was harsh and icy.

Estelle’s face went cold as she replied, “First of all, the autograph is real, and second, I didn’t give it to him for his money.”

Sallie didn’t even bother listening to Estelle’s response, scoffing and cursing, “You want to return to the Macclain family, but your birth parents don’t even care about you. So you decided to cozy up to Hans, right? I’m telling you, if you dare to scam him again, I’ll go tell our grandparents and make sure you never return to the Macclain family!”

Estelle said, “As I said, the autograph is real.”

“You think I’ve never seen a real KING autograph?” Sallie sneered, “Hans is just an idiot to be scammed by you like this!”

Estelle glanced at her watch and said calmly, “I’ll be waiting for you at Steamy Beans Café in an hour. I’ll tell you whether the autograph Hans has is genuine or not!”

“You want to fight?” Sallie threatened, “You think I’m scared of you? Just wait!”

With that, Sallie hung up first.

Estelle’s face flashed with impatience, and she gathered her things before heading out.

She first went to Xavier’s place, who was waiting for her to have lunch. He was dressed in light blue pajamas, his hair trimmed short, and his beard shaved clean. He looked elegant and handsome.

Sitting opposite him, Estelle said, “I’m not used to seeing you like this!”

Back when they worked together, they often had field missions. She would always find a place to clean up while Xavier and the other men would go for days unshaven.

Xavier touched his chin, Tm not used to it either!”

He handed Estee cutlery and said, “When I saw you the other day, I was taken aback too”

Estelle raised her eyebrows, “You didn’t recognize me at first, did you?”

Xavier scoffed, “No matter what you look like, I’d recognize you!”

Estelle snickered and started eating.

Xavier asked, “You said the other day that you needed some help from my guys. What’s going on?”

Estelle asked, “Which one of your guys talks the least?”

Xavier thought for a moment, “Zachary.”

Estelle frowned, “Are you sure?”

Xavier thought about his noisy crew and couldn’t think of anyone quiet and reliable.

Estelle asked again, “Who’s the most reliable?”

This time, Xavier didn’t hesitate, “That would be Zachary!”

Estelle nodded, “Your injury still needs to heal, so let him help me. But I need to ask if he’s willing to

do it?”

Xavier assured her, “He’s up for anything!”

Estelle had nothing to say.

After lunch, Estelle headed to Steamy Beans Café.


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