Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 393

Chapter 393

Chapter 393

Chapter 393

When she got out of the car outside the villa, Jonathan happened to be jogging from the opposite. side, wearing a white tracksuit, looking as if he was covered in morning light, and looking

unbelievably handsome.

But when Estelle saw Milo behind him, she suddenly stiffened and dared not move.

Jonathan approached, his forehead covered in sweat, dripping along his cheek and soaking into his white T-shirt. Under the sunlight, you could see his strong physique, his lean body radiating a hormonal vibe, making people’s hearts race uncontrollably.

He stood in front of Estelle, looking down at her, “Whenever I’m angry and can’t sleep, I get up early and go for a run. Do you know why I’m angry?”

The sunlight was a bit dazzling, and Estelle couldn’t see the man’s expression clearly while she felt her body stiffen.

Firstly, because of Milo behind him, secondly because they were standing outside the villa gate, where the Lamont family members could see them at any time.

Jonathan noticed her discomfort and deliberately took a step forward, propping himself up with a single arm against the car, enclosing her within his body, and staring at her, “Do you know?”

Estelle pressed tightly against the car, thinking of the driver in the car, she became more and more nervous, whispering, “Jonathan!”

“Tell me your guess, and I’ll let you go!” The man tilted his head to look at her.

Estelle bit her lip, her eyes flickered, her voice even lower, “Because… I rejected you last night.”

A person who had never been rejected before was probably experiencing a setback for the first


Jonathan’s eyes were deep, his voice charming, “And you, did you sleep tight?”

Estelle hesitated for a moment, and a faint pink color spread from her neck.

Jonathan glanced at her rosy cheeks but didn’t tease her further. He got up, called Milo and entered the house.

Estelle leaned against the black car, not moving for a long time, her heart pounding. Just now, was Jonathan flirting with her?

As her face returned to normal, Estelle got up and walked towards the villa, unable to resist looking back at the car. The driver was wearing sunglasses, expression unchanged.

A servant greeted her as she entered and she instinctively looked at the living room but didn’t see Jonathan, presumably, he had gone upstairs.

The servant smiled and said, “The ladies have gone out. Miss, please go straight upstairs.”

“Alright, thank you!” Estelle nodded, took her bag and went upstairs.

Henson was playing with the bow and arrows she had given him for his birthday. When he saw her, he looked up and asked, “Got anything to eat?”

“Hungry?” Estelle asked, rummaging through her bag. “I have chocolate, want some?”

“Give me a piece,” Henson walked over, took the chocolate from her hand, opened the wrapper and stuffed it into his mouth, mumbling, “Grandpa and grandma went to a charity banquet, my mom also got an invitation, and took my sister with her. I’m the only one at home, too lazy to go down to


Estelle thought to herself, no wonder Jonathan dared to be so brazen just now!

She opened a book while casually saying, “I just bumped into your uncle at the gate when I came in.”

Henson was surprised, “Did he come back last night?”

Estelle recalled last night when Jonathan had taken her back to the Royal Mansion after 12 o’clock, and then returned here. Everyone else must have been asleep, so naturally, they didn’t know about his return.

Today, Estelle set up a little test for Henson to do before the start of the school term. The test wasn’t difficult, and Henson finished it with ease.

Just as Estelle was going over the test, Henson received a phone call.

After hanging up, he told Estelle, “My uncle wants you to go upstairs, he said he wants to ask about my studies.”


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