Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 402

Chapter 402

Chapter 402

Chapter 402

Suddenly, Jonathan’s phone vibrated, giving him a gut reaction. He answered, seeing it was Charlie calling.

“Hello!” Jonathan’s voice was low.

Charlie chuckled, “Seen the news yet?”

“Hmm.” Jonathan’s face became even gloomier. Charlie had seen it, so she must know too.

They had agreed to meet last night, but he didn’t go. Now, with this news breaking in the morning, could she not care at all?

“What’s up, switching women?” Charlie teased, “Or is this a show for someone to see?”

Annoyed by Charlie seeing through him, Jonathan replied casually, “A show for who? Is it necessary?”

“There are generally two scenarios for your reaction,” Charlie laughed, “One is genuinely not caring anymore, and the other is caring to the extreme, but pretending you care out of anger because she’s ignoring you. Which one do you belong to?”

“Not your business,” Jonathan replied coldly. “Since when did you become an emotional expert?”

“I’ve got experience,” Charlie said, “Years of it.”

Jonathan challenged, “Then tell me, what kind of woman will you

fall for?”

Charlie scoffed, “My experience isn’t about predicting the future! Besides, let me be clear, I’ll never let a woman control me!”

Jonathan sneered, “Don’t speak too soon!”

“I have the confidence,” Charlie replied confidently.

Without any intention to waste more time talking to Charlie, Jonathan hung up.

After ending the call, Jonathan quickly dialed Millard, asking him to remove the trending topic from social media.

Millard was prepared and flew into action upon receiving the call.

Calming down, Jonathan felt even more ridiculous and his heart grew colder.

As soon as Charlie hung up with Jonathan, Yvonne called. She asked bluntly, “What’s going on with the news? Have you asked Jonathan?”

Charlie joked, “If you’re so concerned, why not call him yourself?”

Yvonne hesitated, “I don’t want to talk to him!”

“Still holding a grudge over last time?” Charlie asked.

“He not only misunderstood me but also questioned me in front of all those people. Am I less important than a tutor?” Yvonne’s voice carried a hint of grievance.

Charlie said, “Jonathan has always been protective of his people. You know that.”

Yvonne didn’t speak, and she couldn’t tell who Jonathan considered “his people” her or Estelle?

Charlie continued, “I talked to Jonathan about this morning’s issue. He wouldn’t admit it, but I suspect it’s the little starlet who set up the whole thing.”

Yvonne was in the entertainment industry, and she knew the tactics of wannabe celebrities all too well. She relaxed and said, “I thought his taste wouldn’t be that bad!”

Charlie laughed, “Are you indirectly insulting me?”

Naturally, he had had actress girlfriends in the past.

Yvonne hurriedly said, “I was just talking casually, don’t take it to heart.”

*Just kidding!” Charlie laughed. “I have another call coming in. Gotta go!”

“Alright, you go do your thing!”

After hanging up, Yvonne still couldn’t help but worry. She called her agent, Riley, and asked about Hattie’s situation.


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