Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 404

Chapter 404

Chapter 404

Chapter 404

The two chatted for a while before hanging up the phone. Amy gave Hattie a thumbs up and passed her a bottle of water.

Hattie smiled, looking quite proud.

Amy laughed and said, “Now Malloy is even more loyal to you. With Mr. Lamont in the mix, he won’t dare to underestimate you. Plus, your Twitter popularity has increased a lot – all in all, it’s been a big win for us this time!”

Hattie praised, “Amy, you’re so thoughtful.”

Amy laughed, “It’s all because I always have your best interests at heart!”

Hattie was in a great mood and set the water bottle aside. “I’m going to shoot my scenes now, you go buy some food and drinks for the crew.”

“Sure thing!” Amy gladly agreed.

As the trending topics were removed, all of Jonathan’s news disappeared, and discussions about him decreased. The heat quickly died down and was replaced by other stories.

Afterward, Jonathan didn’t explain anything to Estelle, and she didn’t ask. It was as if nothing had happened.

The brief warming of their relationship disappeared without a trace.

Estelle went to class as usual every day. She occasionally visited Xavier and had dinner at Emily’s place. Her life was calm and uneventful.

Jonathan had someone investigate Xavier, and the information came back quickly.

Nate said, “Xavier came to J City four years ago and set up a moving company around the docks. Most of his employees are ex-convicts, but they’ve been behaving under his management and haven’t committed any more crimes.”

Jonathan thought back to the first time he saw Xavier. On that day, the two groups were about to fight, but Xavier suddenly left with his people after Estelle got out of the


Looking back, he left because he saw Estelle. Which meant they might know each other.

Jonathan asked, “What did he do before coming to `J City?”

Nate said, “That’s the strange part – there’s a complete blank in his background before he came to J City. I couldn’t find anything.”

Jonathan frowned, “You couldn’t find anything either?”

Nate nodded, “Yes, someone deliberately erased all of his past information and experiences!”

Jonathan slowly said, “So, Xavier might not even be his real name?”

Nate replied, “That’s what I’m guessing.”

Jonathan asked, “Where does he live now?”

“The Royal Mansion, Building #3, Room 2301.”

Jonathan’s face darkened.

He actually lived in the Royal Mansion too!

Xavier came to J City four years ago, so did Estelle. What was the relationship between her and this guy called Xavier?

Emily applied to work at the James family’s company. She was now in her fourth year, and the school curriculum was more relaxed. After discussing with her counselor, Emily officially started her internship.

As soon as she joined the company, Emily was assigned to the Intelligent Robot department at the group’s headquarters, on the 30th floor of the James Corporation building as an assistant in the design department.

The James Corporation was collaborating with the Lamont Group to develop artificial robots, and the factory’s design and construction were the first step. Emily’s department was mainly responsible for the factory’s main structure design.

Since she hadn’t graduated yet and was just an intern, she didn’t get any substantial work during her first week. Instead, she was ordered around by people in the office, making her do menial tasks like fetching water.


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