Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 423

Chapter 423

Chapter 423

Chapter 423

Charlie’s driver brought the car over first, and Charlie waved goodbye to everyone with his friends. “We’re leaving!”

Estelle and Emily also said goodbye to everyone, and Carson specifically asked Emily for her WhatsApp. He shook his phone at her and said, “Let me know when you get home!”

Emily politely nodded and followed Estelle into the car.

After the car drove away, Millard also drove his car over.

Yvonne opened the car door and got in, but didn’t see Jonathan getting in, so she looked at him in surprise, “Aren’t you getting in?”

Jonathan said, “Let Millard take you home, I have something to do, I’ll take Carson’s car later.”

The brightness in Yvonne’s eyes dimmed instantly, and she tried to hide her disappointment as she said goodbye, “Then be careful on the road.”


Yvonne straightened her body and didn’t say anything else.

After everyone who was supposed to leave had left, Carson had someone drive his car over and handed the keys to Jonathan. “Jonah, aren’t you staying?”

“I’ll get things to do!” Jonathan said, took the keys, started the car, and quickly drove into the night.

Estelle and Emily were sitting in Charlie’s car, and his phone kept ringing. He answered two calls, and from the tone of his voice, both callers were women, and not the same woman.

Emily looked out the window at the neon lights flashing by quickly, clenching the red bow she had taken off from her hair in her hand.

She knew that Charlie had tied it on for her, and she had smelled that unique scent on him, a scent that made women’s heads spin.

Charlie hung up the phone and turned to Emily and said, “Don’t take Carson’s words seriously.”

Emily snapped back to reality and immediately nodded, “I know!”

She wouldn’t take anything that happened tonight seriously.

Charlie laughed and said, “I don’t mean anything else, but you want to find a good boyfriend, and he’s

not it!”

Embarrassed, Emily nodded, pretending nothing was wrong, “I understand!”

Estelle understood too. This group of people was very good to women, even gentle to the bone, but when it was time to be ruthless, they could walk away without a trace of attachment.

There were no exceptions, including Jonathan!

The car stopped outside The Royal Mansion, and Charlie turned around and laughed, “I have other things to do, so I won’t go up. You two let us know in the group chat when you get home.” Emily thought Charlie’s “other things” might be going to meet the woman who called him.

She laughed and said goodbye to him, then walked into the neighborhood with Estelle.

The two separated in the elevator, Emily went home, and Estelle went up one more floor.

When Estelle got home, took a shower and was lying in bed, it was already 11 PM. She turned off the lights and closed her eyes.

Her thoughts became gradually hazy as if dreaming, dreamily feeling like she was still in his arms, and his breath felt so real.

It wasn’t until the man kissed her earlobe and the shudder that went up her spine that she gradually became awake, realizing it was not a dream, Jonathan was behind her, holding her.

Estelle turned over and got out of his arms, sitting there, staring blankly at the man.

Jonathan got up, turned on the bedside lamp, and looked at her, “Ella, let’s get back together, okay?”

Estelle looked at him, thinking about the things he had said in the hospital and his coldness during this time, and thinking about Yvonne, her eyes gradually becoming red. In a soft voice, she said, “Jonathan, I don’t want to play anymore, let’s end it completely!”


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