Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 431

Chapter 431

Chapter 431

Chapter 431

Emily wasn’t familiar with playing cards, and when she was nervous, she ignored Carson’s


Charlie noticed Carson’s actions, left the card table, walked to the couch, and sat down to


Josiah was drinking alone, looking unhappy.

Charlie glanced at him and said softly, “You can’t blame Jonathan for this, and you don’t have the right to remind him of anything!”

Josiah frowned, “Bro, Yvonne is back, why is Jonah still with Estelle?”

“Yeah, Yvonne’s back, but Jonathan is still with Estelle, which means he chose Estelle!” Charlie said with a meaningful tone.

He knew that Jonathan had true feelings for Estelle since the day Midnight Bar caught


They all grew up together, and when did they ever see Jonathan so panicked?

“So, Jonah just fell for someone else so easily and doesn’t like Yvonne anymore?” Josiah was resentful.

Charlie frowned, “Yvonne has been away for so many years, why should Jonathan keep loving her? It’s quite normal that he fell for Estelle.”

“It’s not normal, it’s not normal for Jonah to fall for Estelle because Yvonne didn’t forget Jonah all these years!” Josiah said unwillingly, “If Jonah is with Estelle, what will Yvonne


Although Charlie was angry at Josiah’s childish and stubborn attitude, he knew that among these people, Josiah was closest to Jonathan and Yvonne, so it was natural for him to hope that they would get together.

But love is not something that can be forced by others!

Charlie took a puff of his cigarette and asked, “You don’t have to be angry with Estelle. Just answer me, before Jonathan went abroad, was he and Yvonne together?”

Josiah hesitated, then stammered, “But we all knew they liked each other, and both of their families agreed to their relationship!”

“It doesn’t matter if you know or not, do you know what Jonathan thinks?”

Josiah nodded, “Of course, Yvonne said Jonah proposed to her!”

Charlie frowned, “She told you that?”

“Yes!” Josiah nodded immediately.

Charlie put out the cigarette in his hand, “But that happened four years ago. Even if it was four days ago, the final result is that he doesn’t like her anymore. In any case, you are not allowed to hurt Estelle. If you annoy Jonathan, I won’t protect you!”

Josiah sneered, “Jonah is just temporarily attracted to Estelle, he will eventually return to Yvonne. Aunt Lamont and the others all like Yvonne, would they let a calculating tutor be his wife?”

Charlie shouted angrily, “No wonder you get hit by your dad, you really can’t listen to any


Josiah turned his head away, not wanting to respond to the topic anymore.

Charlie laughed, “By the way, I heard from my mom that your mother has been arranging some dates for you lately. Have you met anyone? Have you fallen for any girls?”

As expected, Josiah was shocked, “When did this happen?”

Charlie thought for a moment, “About a week ago?”

He asked back, “You didn’t know?”

“No!” Josiah frowned, “I’m not even twenty–five yet, why would they want me to marry?”

Charlie laughed, “Probably because they’re afraid you won’t come home if you keep hanging out. Once you’re married, you’ll naturally stay at home.”

Josiah’s face changed.

Carson suddenly shouted, “You are amazing!”

Charlie turned his head to look, and saw Carson with his arm around Emily, smiling as if

he had won.

Emily looked very happy too, and turned her head to give Carson a high five.

Charlie subconsciously frowned and took out another cigarette to light it. He turned his head to Josiah and said, “Jonathan quit smoking for Estelle, now do you know how important Estelle is to him?”

His intention was to make Josiah stop making things difficult for Estelle, but Josiah didn’t say anything, his hatred for Estelle only grew.


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