Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 436

Chapter 436

Chapter 436

Chapter 436

“What the hell are you guys doing here?” one of the guys stood up first, clearly impatient, “Wherever you came from, get the hell out now!”

Estelle grabbed him by the throat, clutching his neck and threw him across the room!

The man slammed into the coffee table, which shattered with a loud crash, and Nora, who had been sitting nearby, screamed her head off. The guy landed headfirst, unmoving, evidently out cold.

The other guys, shocked by what had happened, circled around Estelle.

It all happened so quickly. Seeing Estelle being swarmed, Jonathan snatched a bottle of wine from the table and threw it at the guy who tried to grab Estelle’s arm. The guy went down on the floor.

Charlie kicked another guy in a pink button–up shirt, sending him flying. Turning to look at Emily, he was about to go to her when Carson had already taken off his coat and wrapped it around her.

Emily was terrified and couldn’t stand the touch of anyone.

Carson hugged her tightly and said, “Emily, it’s me, Carson. Don’t be afraid. It’s all good now.”

After he reassured her a few times, Emily gradually calmed down and looked at Carson, muttering, “Carson, Carson!”

Charlie was itching to kill someone for Emily’s sake.

By now, Josiah and Andrew had joined in, grabbing wine bottles and attacking the men who bullied Emily, filling the room with screams of pain and pleas for mercy.

Estelle squatted down in front of Emily, trying to extract the broken glass lodged deep in Emily’s palms that kept bleeding.

The moment Estelle touched her, Emily looked up fearfully and panicky.

Estelle immediately spoke softly to reassure her, “Don’t be scared, it’s me, Estelle!”

“Estelle!” Emily sobbed, hugging her tightly, and cried, “Estelle, Estelle…”

“I’m here, don’t be afraid; it’s all over now!”

Estelle patted her shoulder, constantly comforting her in a low voice.

Charlie came over, asking in a deep voice, “How’s Emily?”

Estelle’s countenance remained icy as she issued the urgent command, “Call an ambulance and the police!”

Charlie’s mind raced, and he swiftly retrieved his phone, dialing the emergency number to request an ambulance.

In the midst of the chaos, Nora, overwhelmed by shock, found herself at a loss for what to do. Upon hearing Estelle’s words, she abruptly rushed over, pleading, “Charlie, please, don’t call the police!”

“Get out of here!” Charlie forcefully shoved her away, his face contorted with a mixture of anger and disgust.

Nora, still wearing her high heels, stumbled and collapsed onto the carpeted floor. The expression on Charlie’s face sent a chilling wave of fear down her spine.

“Nora!” Lindsey came to help her.

Nora looked up and saw Yvonne, who had just entered. She quickly called for her help, “Yvonne, Yvonne, please talk to Mr. James for me!”

Many people had family connections in these wealthy circles due to business marriages.

Nora, for instance, was Yvonne’s cousin.

If the police were called and a record was left, Nora’s job would be over, and her entire family would suffer the consequences.

Yvonne frowned at her, “Nora, what’s your involvement in this?”


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