Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 443

Chapter 443

Chapter 443

Chapter 443

It’s his first time peeling an apple, and it looked so ridiculous that Emily couldn’t help but cover her eyes and laugh again.

Carson entered the room after concluding his phone call, a teasing smile on his face. “Charlie, how did you manage to make Emily cry as soon as you arrived?” he


Emily lowered her arm and joined in the laughter. “I didn’t cry!” she exclaimed, even though her eyes were visibly swollen and tear marks still lingered on her face. Observing Emily’s forlorn appearance, Carson’s heart raced, leaving him momentarily at a loss for words as he gazed at her.

At that moment, Charlie’s phone rang once more, prompting him to step outside and answer the call.

Emily reassured them, “I’m feeling better now. You guys can go back to what you were doing.”

Carson laughed and said, “I’ll stay with you for a while longer, and when Charlie finishes his call, we’ll eave together!”

In the living room outside, Charlie finished his work arrangements, and Gina came in with the medicine, politely saying, “Mr. Dulle, please have a seat!”

Seeing that she seemed to have something to say, Charlie sat down on the sofa.

Gina put down the medicine, poured a glass of water for Charlie and respectfully asked, “Mr. Dulle, were you the one who gave me that sum of money?”

She recognized him the first time she saw Charlie and heard him speak yesterday.

Charlie sat on the sofa with a slight smile and said, “Yes, that was me. I apologize for not introducing myself earlier.”

“You don’t need to apologize!” Gina hurried to explain, “That’s not what I meant. I heard from Emily that she’s staying in your house now. You’ve been helping Emily, and I don’t know how to thank you enough!”

Gina wanted to figure out Charlie’s true intentions with Emily. He was wealthy and influential, always helping Emily from behind the scenes, and even provided her with a place to stay. If he claimed not to like her daughter, she wouldn’t believe it!

Charlie frankly said, “I feel ashamed about this whole house situation. It was Estelle who first called me and said that a friend needed a place to stay for a while, and it was only later that I found out it was Emily. As for the money, Emily did help me out, but she is a very straightforward person and would not have accepted payment due to her relationship with Estelle. That’s why I approached you.”

So that’s the truth!

Gina’s expression held a hint of disappointment, though she maintained a smile. “Well, I still want to express my gratitude. Thank you!”

Charlie replied casually, “No problem!”

Just as they were conversing, Elliott and Crystal entered the room. Upon noticing Charlie, Crystal instinctively straightened her posture and gracefully tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.

Gina stood up, “Why are you two here? Aren’t you going to work today?”

Elliott said, “With Emily in the hospital, I can’t focus on work. Crystal also took a leave of absence and came to stay with Emily.”

Crystal said, “Yeah, after I left last night, I couldn’t sleep at all. So, I took a leave first thing in the morning.”

Gina was pleased to see Crystal being so considerate and said, “Emily is much better now, Mr. Foster is inside the room!”

Charlie took the opportunity to stand up and said calmly, “You guys stay with Emily, I’ll be going. If you need anything, feel free to call me!”

Crystal immediately said, “I’ll walk Mr. Dulle out!”


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