Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 451

Chapter 451

Chapter 451

“Alright, I get it, but I can’t help convincing Emily for her.” Estelle said calmly.

Jonathan caught a glimpse of Estelle through the rearview mirror and admired her enhanced beauty in the sunlight. Deciding to take a pause, he pulled the car over and requested, “Come sit in the front seat.”

Estelle shot him a questioning look but complied, stepping out of the car and settling into the passenger seat.

As she fastened her seatbelt, Jonathan suddenly leaned towards her, his hand resting on the back of her seat while his other hand gently cupped her face, initiating a passionate kiss. Estelle’s eyes widened in surprise, but they soon closed, succumbing to the intensity of the moment.

This part of the road was for private villa use only, with very few cars passing by. Tall maple trees stood on both sides, and now it was late autumn, the red and yellow maple leaves were intermingled, adding a gorgeous touch to the sunlight that poured into the car and onto Estelle’s face.

After what seemed like an eternity, Jonathan slowly pulled his lips away from Estelle’s, his eyes fixed on her with a deep and focused gaze.

Estelle opened her eyes, her vision gradually returning to clarity. She inquired, “Does Yvonne frequently visit Charlie or Josiah’s house as well?”

Jonathan offered an explanation, saying, “Our families have a closer relationship with the Hanson family, and Yvonne has been close to my mother since childhood.”

Pausing briefly, he continued, “If the opportunity arises, I will make things clear to her

Estelle advised, “If you don’t have romantic feelings for her, don’t give her false hope.”

Jonathan nodded in agreement, affirming, “Alright, I understand.”

After that, he kissed her again, his voice becoming husky as he lavished attention on her jawline and neck, “Do you have anything to do this afternoon?”

Forced to tilt her head back, Estelle whispered, “Nah, nothing.”

“Then let’s go home.” Jonathan’s voice was somewhat tense as he breathed against her chin, “Ella, I’m captivated by you.”

Involuntarily, Estelle’s grip on his arm tightened.

The Lamont Family

During dinner, Yvonne noticed that Jonathan wasn’t there and laughed, “I’ll go upstairs and call him!”

Henson said, “No need, I just saw Uncle go out.”

Yvonne was taken aback and asked subconsciously, “Did he go to drop off Estelle?”

Mrs. Lamont entered the room from the living room and inquired, “Who took Estelle away?”

Henson shifted his gaze, maintaining a composed expression as he responded, “No, I saw Ms. Macclain leave with a driver. My uncle probably had some business to attend to at the company.”

Mrs. Lamont took a seat and reassured Yvonne, saying, “He left after receiving a phone call. Don’t worry about him, sit down and have some food.”

Yvonne felt a deep sense of disappointment, her previously joyful mood suddenly dissipating. Despite visiting Mrs. Lamont, they were still in the Lamont family house. The fact that Jonathan left without even saying a word to her left her in disbelief.

For some reason, ever since she came back this time, she felt like Jonathan had changed!

Although he used to be cold and indifferent, this time it felt different. In a daze, she felt a strange sense of panic.


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