Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 454

Chapter 454

Chapter 454

Estelle passively responded, only pushing him away when she could barely breathe, and said, “Jonathan, that’s enough, okay?”

Jonathan stopped, leaned against her forehead, and caught his breath.

Estelle felt his body tense and didn’t dare move, afraid that any sudden movement would make him want to kiss her again!

After a while, Jonathan tenderly kissed the tip of her nose and whispered, “Charlie will be here later; let’s go downstairs.”

Estelle stretched and said, “Then hurry up and get out of bed!”

“I’ll carry you to take a shower,” Jonathan whispered.

Estelle quickly pushed the man away, rolled over, and got out of bed, already wearing her robe. She headed for the bathroom and said, “I’ll wash myself; you’re not allowed in there – go to the side room!”

Shower together?

That would take at least an hour, and they wouldn’t have time to go downstairs!

Jonathan watched her flurry of movements and couldn’t help but laugh, touching his forehead. Was he really that scary?

Clearly, she enjoyed it too!

Her mouth said no, but her heart said yes!

Twenty minutes later, Estelle and Jonathan descended the stairs together, coinciding with Charlie emerging from the elevator. Charlie held a bag filled with items he had bought for Emily, along with

some desserts.

Upon spotting the two of them, Charlie raised an eyebrow in a teasing manner directed at Jonathan. He then turned his attention to Estelle and spoke, “Estelle, I bought some desserts for you and Emily. I wasn’t sure of your preferred flavor, but I hope you like them.”

Estelle accepted the desserts with a grateful smile, expressing her appreciation, “Thank you, Charlie!”

As she approached Emily’s door, dessert in hand, it swung open to reveal Crystal, who greeted Estelle with a warm smile. Crystal’s eyes sparkled with delight when she noticed Charlie and Jonathan standing behind Estelle. She exclaimed, “Charlie, Jonah!”

Emily joined the gathering, laughing, “I didn’t expect you all to arrive together. Charlie mentioned he was coming over!”

She had seen much improvement, the wound on her forehead was scabbed over, and her other injuries were healing, only her palm still wrapped in gauze.

“Carson will be here later,” Charlie laughed, “He kept asking me for your address, so I couldn’t hide it any longer!”

Emily said shyly, “I just didn’t want to trouble everyone!”

Crystal took the things in Charlie’s hand and scolded him playfully, “How come you bought so much stuff again, Charlie?”

Emily hurriedly said, “That’s so much! Take it back when you leave, Charlie!”

Charlie replied, “There’s no way I’m taking back stuff I brought, you can eat it normally!”

Crystal said, “You guys sit down, I’ll cook. I just bought two lobsters. I’ll let you taste my cooking later!”

Charlie said, “Don’t bother, I’ve already ordered food, and it’ll be delivered very soon!”

Crystal immediately laughed and said, “All right, I’ll only make the lobster dish and make sure it’s different from what you can get in a restaurant!”

She happily went to the kitchen.

Estelle watched her go and inexplicably felt that she was much more lively than when she had been in the hospital.

Soon, Carson also arrived, carrying even more stuff. He couldn’t carry it all himself, so the driver was helping him too.


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