Find Me In Your Labyrinth

Chapter 467

Chapter 467

Chapter 467

Chapter 467

Estelle and Emily went to the supermarket while the housekeepers wem cleaning and bought cheats quilts and other daily necess

When they were at the checkout, Estelle paid before Emily

After leaving the supermarket, Emily insisted on giving Estelle the money, but Estefie refused and emited. “You’re moving into a new place and I didnt prepare anything. Let these things be my housewarming gift

Emily looked at Estelle gratefully. “Estelle. I really don’t know what to say

Estelle smiled womly. “You don’t need to say anything, there’s no need to be concemed about these things among frender

Emily, carrying the stuff, felt touched and smiled at Estelle, revealing two dimples, “Then let me treat you to lunch later, and that’s non negotiable

Estelle grinned Winght”

When the two returmed to the apartment, the housekeepers had almost finished cleaning The professionals made every corner of the room spotless and the glass dust free it was so clean that they even thought the house had been replaced when they entered.

After the housekeepers left, Estelle and Emily went downstairs for lunch.

Emily and Estelle went to a restaurant for the housewarming

The two left after a late lunch, and it was already two in the afternoon

When they returned to Emily’s home, they saw Mathilda and her boyfriend sitting on the sofa, eating takeouts and watching TV

The man greeted them warmly when he saw them, “Have you eaten? Care to join us?”

Mathilda glared at her boyfriend and didn’t say anything.

Emily hurriedly said, “We just had lunch, thanks!”

She then took Estelle to her room.

After tidying up, Estelle received a call from Jonathan, who was already on his way, and would be there in half an hour.

After hanging up, Estelle told Emily, “If Mathilda’s boyfriend stays here all the time, call the landlord and make sure to lock the door at night!”

Emily laughed, “I will, don’t worry!”

“If they have parties and make noise late into the night, you can call the police if persuasion doesn’t work, and call me if you need anything else!” Emily nodded, “Rest assured, I be out early and back late for work, so I won’t have much interaction with them,”

Half an hour later, Jonathan’s car arrived downstairs. Estelle said goodbye to Emily, and went downstairs by herself.

Mathilda stood on the balcony of the master bedroom, peering out the window, and waved to her boyfriend, “Come and look!”

Her boyfriend, holding his phone, lazily walked over. “What’s going on?”

He looked downstairs and saw a Maybach 62s parked. His eyes widened.

Mathilda sneered, “This car must be worth millions, no wonder she can afford a housekeeper Turns out she has a sugar daddy!”

“It’s worth more than just millions!” The man sighed, staring enviously at the car without blinking.

Half jealous and half-contemptuous, Mathilda said, “I bet it’s an old man sitting inside, want to bet?”

The man sneered, “Is there any doubt?”

As his words fell, Estelle came out of the building, and the driver’s door opened. The man got out and went to open the front passenger door for her

As Estelle got into the car, the man gently touched her head, and a soft smile appeared on his handsome face. They exchanged a few words before driving away.


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